

Best Answer takes takes time, effort, and patience. this is a very difficult time but can be very rewarding.. remember that love is a if both of you are willing to go through the hardships to make the relationship work then i say that the relationship is proved already

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I tell my husband how much I love him and that he means to world to me, I make him feel special and wanted, I do little things for him that let him know that I am thinking of him, I cook his favorite meal when he least expects it, and I give him little gifts just because...

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Q: How do you prove a relationship?
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No. It's too late for you to be responsible for child support. However, if the child can prove her/his relationship to you they would be considered a legal heir at law of your estate.No. It's too late for you to be responsible for child support. However, if the child can prove her/his relationship to you they would be considered a legal heir at law of your estate.No. It's too late for you to be responsible for child support. However, if the child can prove her/his relationship to you they would be considered a legal heir at law of your estate.No. It's too late for you to be responsible for child support. However, if the child can prove her/his relationship to you they would be considered a legal heir at law of your estate.

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I think your best bet is to truly show him you like him. Visit him a lot and remind him about the good times in your relationship. prove to him that you really are the one for him.

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As long as you can prove paternity (if needed) and you provide for the child, you can.

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Some couples find it easy to pass because they can prove that they are in a close relationship.

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