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It is impossible to "prove" that any religion is the right religion. What is "right" for one person might not be for another person. Religion is a matter of the heart's connection with God and there are many paths.

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Q: How do you prove that Islam is the right religion?
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Is Islam the right religion or secular humanism?

Islam is the only right religion & the way of life for all Muslims.

Which religion should you believe in also which religion is right?

Islam is the right religion and the one you should follow

How can you prove to Muslims that they follow a false religion?

You can't prove to Muslims that they follow a false religion for one reason. The reason is that Islam not a false religion. There are many proofs that Islam is an authentic God religion and that Quran, Muslims holy book, is real God words revelation to prophet Muhammad through the angel Gabriel (Jibril).

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Yes he is, there are many videos which prove he has accepted Islam as a religion and become a Muslim

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It depends on who you ask. As Judaism is a tribal religion, Jews will say that Judaism is more right, but is designed for Jews. Islam is a perfectly acceptable religion for non-Jews. As Islam is a universalizing religion, Muslims will say that Islam is correct without qualification.

How can you prove to non-Muslims that Islam is a tolerant and easy religion?

If you are reading this and you are a Muslim well I want to say that Allah s.w.t. is the one that calms the person or the human down and opens their eyes to see the religion of Islam.

Why did God allow Islam to be taught?

Everyone has the right to their own religion.

Why did qarmatians stole the black stone?

To prove that Islam is a false religion and that Muhammad is a fraudster. Also the stone was considered valuable.

Do women in Islam have the right to vote?

yes, obviously. Islam was the first religion to give women rights like these.

Are Muslims and Islam one in the same?

Islam is the religion and Muslims are the followers of the Islam religion.

What religion was Muhammad a prophet of?

Islam and is the second largest religion of the worldIslamMuhammad is the main proptet in the religion Islam. He is not the religion, but the center of the religion.

Are Islam appose worship?

Islam is a religion, and religions are about worshipping god and a guideline to life on what is right and wrong so therefore the answer is no, Islam does not oppose worship.