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The easiest way to confirm you're Jewish if you were born Jewish, is to use your parents' ketubah (marriage contract). If that's not available, or there wasn't one, it takes a fair bit of research. You might have to find your mother's parents' ketubah, things like Jewish gravestones showing that your mother's side was Jewish can be used as proof. There are organizations and Rabbis who specialise in this type of area, try Googling the subject.

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Q: How do you prove you are Jewish?
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I'm puzzled by this question. Buildings and landmarks do not prove anything about the present.I don't think anyone disputes the fact that Germany has a Jewish community. Most of the Jews in Germany now are recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union.

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yes, they pretended to be aryan. _______ However, it was difficult. in Germany, anyone suspected of being Jewish had to prove that there were not Jewish.

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Hitler never had a daughter, so you're not off to a great start.

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List of previous generations (through the father), to prove one's Jewish roots, and also from which tribe of Jacob a person descended.