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it comes naturally you feel an urge to push then you push like your having a big poo and when the head appears pant the head out to prevent tearing the vagina.

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Q: How do you push the baby out of the vagina?
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What are a series of muscular contractions that push the fetus out the vagina?

The uterus contracts to help expell the baby. The cervix also dilates (opens) for the baby to pass through.

What is when cervix and vagina expand to 10 cm?

When the cervix is dilated to 10cm it is time to push the baby out during labor.

What is vaginal birth?

Well, your vagina is a hole between the lips of your genital betweem your legs on a woman. The women simply contracts the muscles to push the baby through the hole

When was Push It Baby created?

Push It Baby was created in 2007-03.

How do animals give birth to their young?

it's different with every animal I guess. people could be considered "animals" in a way.anyway, here's the answer. They get pregnant. (duh) after a while (9 months for humans) they begin to feel contractions which helps them push that baby out! so they push, push, push. It's pretty painful for most. they push and strain and eventually the animal or baby comes out the vagina. a new life!because if they will die the cubs will be alive

Which orafice is a baby born from?

A baby comes out of the vagina.

How does a baby born?

a unborn baby is born it comes through the vagina the vagina can expand to about the size of a baby and contract to the size if a pea this is why its u nique

What part does a baby come out?

The vagina

After you have a baby does your vagina look the same?


What happens in the wall of the uterus to push the baby out.?

The muscles contract which in turn push the baby out.

What part of your body does a baby come out of?

Babies come out through the vagina.

Can you tell if its a girl baby or a boy baby?

bye if it has a vagina or a dick