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Q: How do you put Fentanyl transdermal in saline solution?
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Saline solution

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I recently came across a 25 mcgh/hr fentanyl transdermal patch from Mallinckrodt. I've never tried it before but this type has no gel to it. I was told to draw up 50ml of water and put the patch in a cooker. Let it sit for 15 min and beat it down with the plunger before drawing pack up. hope it works.

What part of speech is the word saline?

Saline is an adjective and a noun. If I'm asked what i put on my contact lens, I say saline (adjective)solution. The noun is used less often. "Saline is a metallic salt".

Can 1 person hold 6 bags of saline solution?

Yes, I had over 6 bags put in me when I was dehydrated.

How can you remove insects that entered to your ears?

drown it! put saline solution into your ears by using 10cc no needle syringe.

How do you prepare a Normal Saline Solution being use in 100ml of distilled water?

Put 0.9g of Nacl in a beaker and add distilled water to make up to 100ml. that is 0.9% Nacl (Normal saline Solution) From Tade Olubunmi Ademola

How would you sterilize intravenous glucose saline solutions?

Glucose saline solution should be put in autoclave.Water is needed which should be with salt and minerals. Water should be boiled so that it kills all bacteria.

Can saline put you sleep quick?

Saline is salt water and use to rehydrate people. it will not put you to sleep.

What kind of medicine do you put on your lip piercing?

To clean the outside, I've used a saline solution. For mouthwash, I've used Biotene. You can get both of these at CVS.

What is an example of a hypotonic solution?

A hypotonic solution has less than normal tension: hypo = less, and tonic = tonicity, the concentration of solute. Examples of hypotonic solutions: (1) Sports drinks that contain salts / electrolytes (2) physiologically: a. 0.45% NaCl (half-normal saline solution); since normal saline is 0.9% NaCl, any solution less than 9% is hypotonic b. dextrose 2.5% in water c. dextrose 2% in water

What is it called when they put liquid in your arm at the hospital?

When they put liquid in your arm at the hospital, it is called a saline flush. It might also be called an IV.

What happens to bacteria if you put salt on it?

The salt draws the water out of the bacteria. This causes them to shrivel up and die, literally. This is why people use saline solution on piercings and gargle salt water.