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If it is your first time, just calm down, breath, clear your mind and put on some relaxing music. If you are a teenage girl, try a junior or slim tampon. It is important that you keep calm! There is nothing to worry about!

Just remember to stay calm. If you mess up just take it out and start again. If it gets stuck (DONT WORRY THIS IS UNLIKELY) then try and wetting your vagina with water or waiting a bit longer for your tampon to fill up.

If you have any problems, talk to your doctor, friends, mum, sisters, anyone who you trust.

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9y ago

You insert tampons by following the instructions on the packet - and you'd only ever use tampons when on your period, never use tampons when not menstruating. How you use tampons depends on what type of tampons you choose to use, as well as instructions in the pack you can look online for instructions and videos. Essentially you just insert the tampon into your vagina, as long as it's comfortable it's inserted correctly, just make sure to follow precautions to reduce health risks.

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Q: How do you put a tampons on when you have your period?
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What can you start using tampons at?

you can start using tampons at any age just as long as you know how to put one in by yourself and make sure you mother or father know when you are using one and when you have had you period

How do you swim if you have your period?

Use tampons :)

What do you do when you supped to have a period you haven't had one?

Well you either get some tampons or pads, whichever you prefer. But you probably shouldn't use tampons until you know how to put them in right otherwise you'll be very uncomfortable. Also talk to your mom about getting your period, she'll explain things to you.

Wear tampons in the pool not having your period?

NEVER wear tampons when not menstruating - it's not safe and no need.

When you get your first period after stopping Depo-Provera should you use tampons?

You can use anything you like - pads, tampons, cup -- with your period after stopping depo provera.

Do you still need a pad or tampon after you period?

No, tampons and pads (also other menstrual products) are only needed on your period.Once your period is over you no longer use tampons or pads, in fact as your period comes to an end you need to stop using tampons because tampons cannot be used with light flow or spotting. It is a good idea to carry tampons and pads with you ready for when your next period starts, if you're young menstrual cycles can be irregular so your periods can start suddenly without warning.

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How do you help your period?

Talk to yourr family, get tampons.

Should you wear a tampon when receiving a massage though your period is not on?

No, tampons should only be used when you're on your period. Never use when not menstruating as this will be uncomfortable and potentially increase your risk of contracting Toxic Shock Syndrome. There's absolutely no reason to use tampons when not on your period, having a massage makes no difference: there's no reason why you should need to use tampons while having a massage.

What do you do if you all ready started your period?

You wear pads of tampons

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What happens if your swimming on your period?

Wear a tampon! I recomend the Always Sports Tampons. Have a Happy Period!