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Don't ever try to do it yourself at home. As a Vet Technician over the years, I have seen many botched attempts by the owners and then the animal ends up suffering more. See if you can find a Veterinarian who will come to your home and put them gently to sleep. Ask to have a sedation administered first before the final shot. Everything will go so smoothly for your precious one to pass on over the Rainbow, where some day you will see them again.

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Q: How do you put an aged cat down at home?
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Sedate a cat with Ambien?

No, No, No. Don't every give any drugs to a cat unless a Vet orders it. Some drugs that are ok for humans will kill a cat.

When should you put a cat down?

if in pain yes. if not in pain no

How do you put down a cat without feeling bad?

To put down a cat without feeling bad is hard, but think of it as putting the cat out of his misery. It also depends on how much you and the cat bonded. The closer you were the harder it is. In the end though, just try to remember that he/she is in a better place.

What should you do to get a new cat use to your house?

The best way for your cat to get used of your home is to just allow it to explore and walk around. Do not follow the cat. If you have stairs in your home it may be a little more difficult because they may be too afraid to go up or down the stairs. So in order to ease this fear, pick the cat up and walk slowly down the stairs or up the stairs. While doing that, rub your cat's body slowly. If the cat shows any hesitation, like scratching, meowing, or trying to jump out of your arms, then go back, but continue to rub it's side. When your back, put the cat down. Another way to encourage your cat to go up and down the stairs, is to go down/up the steps first, then stop and look at the cat. Then start walking off. The cat will then see that its safe and start to follow you.

How many 0.05MG pills of xanax to gently put your 18 year old sick cat down?

You should not try to put your can down yourself. You need to take your cat in to a professional so they can safely do this for you and your pet.

What can you do to cure a cat that's rat poisonong?

Get him to a vet immediately! It may be that the only way to help him is to put him down, so be prepared for that. There isn't anything you can do for him at home, he needs the doctor.

Can you put pounce in a sentence?

The large cat crouched down, ready to pounce.

How many years does a cat live to?

I have a cat that lived to 25, I had to put her down... :( But anyway, 1 week to 27 years.

Where would a hamster hide after the cage got knocked down by a cat?

Put the cage somwhere were the cat cannot reach it.