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Follow the directions given in the packaging and use your common sense. The #10 filter is designed to fit and operate on the # 10 tank. How to fit them together should be apparent by simply observing them. Please remember the basic rules that follow once you have it all assembled. Your # 10 Aqueon Aquarium will need a heater and thermometer too (The tank at only 4.5 gallons max capacity is far too small for even 1 goldfish) so you will have to keep small tropical fish if you wish to keep anything alive.

The basic rules of fishkeeping are. :- 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water. :- Every tank needs a fully cycled filter running permanently. :- Every tank must have 50% of its water replaced every week. Follow the above rules and your fish will stand a chance of survival. Fail to follow them and I can guarantee that your fish will have constant health problems.

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Q: How do you put filter and top on a size 10 aqueon aquarium?
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What is the process of treating water?

The key to having the best aquarium is clean the entire filter every time you make a water change. Put 7 drops of water conditioner per gallon of water(if you are using Tetra AquaSafe) AND put 5ml of Aqueon(the brand) per 10gallons. Good luck and happy fish keeping!

What size fish can you put in your one gallon aquarium?

You can put one maybe 2 one-inch fishes in your one gallon aquarium

Can you put aquarium fish in air condition room?

you can as long as you have a filter and a fish tank

How do you setup an aquarium?

First you get a tank. Then you add washed gravel to the tank and add any decorations. Put in the filter and heater (if you want a tropical aquarium. if not then just the filter) then put the water in. Add water purifier to the water and wait 2 weeks before getting your fish

How long after you use no more algae can you put back carbon filter in aquarium?

24 hours and do a water change

How do you find how much water conditioner to put into a 10l Aquarium if I have to put in 5ml into a 38l aquarium?

You can safely put 2ml into the 10l aquarium

What to put fish in if don't have an aquarium?

A fish bowl. Or even a bathtub... any thing that holds water. But it's est to have a aquarium with a filter and one of those heaters. Otherwise, your fish might die pretty quickly.

Can you put a fish filter into another tank double its size?

Yes but it is recommended to use bigger version of the filter you have.

How do you get reef aquarium into the aquarium section of YouTube?

There is no "aquarium" tag on YouTube. Only "Pets & Animals." You just put "#aquarium" in the description and "aquarium" in the tags section of your video.

Can fish go directly into a tank that hasn't been recycled?

Simple answer is they can but it's not wise nor smart to do it. There are so many rapid ways of maturing/recycling your filter and aquarium that there should never be any need to put fish in an unprepared aquarium.

Can you boil the water for aquarium?

No, because if you boil a water and put it in the aquarium the tendency is the aquarium will crack.;) SO EASY!