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First, plug in the toaster by clicking the plug (thus dropping the grape), then clicking the outlet just above you to the right. Then, pick up the grape by clicking it and jump up on the lever. After a few seconds, you will be sprung up to a shelf directly above the toaster.

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Q: How do you put the grape on the toaster on shrink ray island?
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you get the grape after you get the paper on the kitchen table.when you get the grape plug in the toaster hold the grape jump on the lever then put the salt on the other side then sling shot yourself on the refrigerator.

How do you put he grape in the car in shrink ray island?

the grape doesn't go there you carry the grape up to the toaster pick up the toasters plug and plug it in the socket and then grab the grape again jump on the toasters thingy wait and it will launch you up

What do you do with the grape once you have it on poptropica?

You put the grape on the toaster.

How do you get the grape after you drop it on shrink ray island?

you dont drop the grape unless you get launched on the toaster but if thats what you mean then put the salt on the end of the spatula and jump on the opposite side then you'll fly on top of the fridge and you'll get the remote control to the toy car

Where is the control for the truck in shrink ray island?

First you climb on the table in the kitchen.Then get the grape in the bowl . Third you climb on the kitchen counter and put the grape on the toaster. Fourth your gonna get launched on a covert.Fifth you jump on the big fork or spoon from the cup. last you get launched on the fridge and get the remote controller.

What do you put on the toaster for extra weight in poptropica?

A Grape

How do you weigh down the toaster on shrink ray island?

In the ad game for "Despicable Me" (June 2010), the reward was a Shrink Ray device.A copy of the Shrink Ray used on Shrink Ray Island is sold in the Poptropica store.On Shrink Ray Island, you are shrunk to a few inches tall and must find a way to get back to normal size, while stopping the bad guy who shrunk you. You must find the clues that will let you work with CJ (the girl who invented the ray as a science project). When you finish the island, CJ has her shrink ray back.(For a solution to the island, see the related question below)

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you put it in cj's diary in her room

What do you do after you found out what is on the paper in shrink ray island?

Put it under the light!

Where do you put the battery once took out of the truck in shrink ray island?

The remote

What do i do when you put the torn page into the diary on shrink ray island?

go to teliscope

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