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The following code is based upon Microsoft KB216686: How to automate Excel from C++ without using MFC or #import.

The code creates some random data as a table, writing it to a text file in CSV format. This data is then read from the file, printed to std::cout (for verification) before being output to an excel worksheet.








template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

class table_t


std::array<std::array<double, C>, R> data = {};


table_t () {}

table_t (const table_t& rhs): data {} {}

table_t (table_t&& rhs): data (std::move ( {}

table_t& operator= (const table_t& rhs) { data =; }

table_t& operator= (table_t&& rhs) { data = std::move (; }

std::array<double,C>& operator [] (const size_t row) { return data[row]; }

const std::array<double,C>& operator [] (const size_t row) const { return data[row]; }

size_t rows () const { return R; }

size_t columns () const { return C; }

std::wstring get_excel_range() const


std::wstringstream ss;

ss << L"A1:";

size_t cols=C;

while (cols)


ss << static_cast<char>((cols-1)%26+L'A');

cols /= 26;


ss << R;

return ss.str();



template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const table_t<R,C>& table)


for (size_t row=0; row<R; ++row)


for (size_t col=0; col<C; ++col)


os << table[row][col];

if (col<C-1)

os << ", ";


os << std::endl;


return os;


// forward declarations...

void create_data (const std::string&, const size_t, const size_t);

template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

table_t<R,C> read_data (const std::string&);

template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

int write_to_excel (const table_t<R,C>&);

HRESULT AutoWrap (int, VARIANT*, IDispatch*, LPOLESTR, int ...);

int main()


const size_t rows=10;

const size_t cols=5;

const std::string textfile {"sample.txt"};

// create sample data...

create_data (textfile, rows, cols);

// read and print the sample data...

table_t<rows, cols> table = read_data<rows, cols> (textfile);

std::cout << "Sample data:\n\n";

std::cout << table << std::endl;

// output data to excel...

return write_to_excel (table);


// Function to create a sample CSV data file with random data.

void create_data (const std::string& filename, const size_t rows, const size_t cols)


std::default_random_engine generator ((unsigned) time (0));

std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> distribution (0, 10000);

std::ofstream os (filename);

if (!os.bad())


for (size_t row=0; row<rows; ++row)


for (size_t col=0; col<cols; ++col)


double d = distribution (generator);

d /= 100;

os << d;

if (col!=cols-1)

os << ", ";


os << '\n';





// Function to read a CSV file and return a table of doubles

template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

table_t<R,C> read_data (const std::string& filename)


table_t<R,C> table;

size_t row=0;

std::ifstream is (filename);

std::string line;

while (std::getline (is, line))


size_t col=0;

std::stringstream ss1;

ss1 << line;

std::string value;

while (std::getline (ss1, value, ','))


std::stringstream ss2;

ss2 << value;

double d;

ss2 >> d;

table[row][col] = d;






return table;


template<const size_t R, const size_t C>

int write_to_excel (const table_t<R,C>& table)


// Initialize COM for this thread...

CoInitialize (nullptr);

// Get CLSID for our server...

CLSID clsid;

HRESULT hr = CLSIDFromProgID(L"Excel.Application", &clsid);

if (FAILED(hr))


::MessageBox (nullptr, "CLSIDFromProgID() failed", "Error", 0x10010);

return -1;


// Start server and get IDispatch...

IDispatch *pXlApp;

hr = CoCreateInstance (clsid, nullptr, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pXlApp);



::MessageBox (nullptr, "Excel not registered properly", "Error", 0x10010);

return -2;


// Make it visible (i.e. app.visible = 1)



x.vt = VT_I4;

x.lVal = 1;

AutoWrap (DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, NULL, pXlApp, L"Visible", 1, x);


// Get Workbooks collection

IDispatch *pXlBooks;


VARIANT result;


AutoWrap (DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, pXlApp, L"Workbooks", 0);

pXlBooks = result.pdispVal;


// Call Workbooks.Add() to get a new workbook...

IDispatch *pXlBook;


VARIANT result;


AutoWrap (DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, pXlBooks, L"Add", 0);

pXlBook = result.pdispVal;


// Create a safearray of variants...





sab[0].lLbound = 1; sab[0].cElements = table.rows();

sab[1].lLbound = 1; sab[1].cElements = table.columns();

arr.parray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 2, sab);


// Fill safearray with values from the table...

for (size_t row=0; row<table.rows(); ++row)


for (size_t col=0; col<table.columns(); ++col)


// Create value


tmp.vt = VT_R8;

tmp.dblVal = table[row][col];

// Add to safearray...

long indices[] = {row+1,col+1};

SafeArrayPutElement (arr.parray, indices, (void *)&tmp);



// Get ActiveSheet object

IDispatch *pXlSheet;


VARIANT result;


AutoWrap (DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, pXlApp, L"ActiveSheet", 0);

pXlSheet = result.pdispVal;


// Get Range object...

IDispatch *pXlRange;



parm.vt = VT_BSTR;

parm.bstrVal = ::SysAllocString (table.get_excel_range().c_str());

VARIANT result;

VariantInit (&result);

AutoWrap (DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &result, pXlSheet, L"Range", 1, parm);

VariantClear (&parm);

pXlRange = result.pdispVal;


// Set range with our safearray...

AutoWrap (DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, nullptr, pXlRange, L"Value", 1, arr);

// Wait for user...

::MessageBox (nullptr, "All done.", "Notice", 0x10000);

// Set .Saved property of workbook to TRUE so we aren't prompted

// to save when we tell Excel to quit...



x.vt = VT_I4;

x.lVal = 1;

AutoWrap (DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, nullptr, pXlBook, L"Saved", 1, x);


// Tell Excel to quit (i.e. App.Quit)

AutoWrap (DISPATCH_METHOD, nullptr, pXlApp, L"Quit", 0);

// Release references...







// Uninitialize COM for this thread...


return 0;


// AutoWrap() - Automation helper function...

HRESULT AutoWrap (int autoType, VARIANT *pvResult, IDispatch *pDisp, LPOLESTR ptName, int cArgs...)


// Begin variable-argument list...

va_list marker;

va_start (marker, cArgs);

if (!pDisp)


MessageBox (nullptr, "NULL IDispatch passed to AutoWrap()", "Error", 0x10010);

_exit (0);


// Variables used...

DISPPARAMS dp = {nullptr, nullptr, 0, 0};




char buf[200];

char szName[200];

// Convert down to ANSI

WideCharToMultiByte (CP_ACP, 0, ptName, -1, szName, 256, nullptr, nullptr);

// Get DISPID for name passed...

hr = pDisp->GetIDsOfNames (IID_NULL, &ptName, 1, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispID);

if (FAILED (hr)) {

sprintf (buf, "IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames("%s") failed w/err 0x%08lx", szName, hr);

MessageBox (nullptr, buf, "AutoWrap()", 0x10010);

_exit (0);

return hr;


// Allocate memory for arguments...

VARIANT *pArgs = new VARIANT[cArgs+1];

// Extract arguments...

for (int i=0; i<cArgs; i++)


pArgs[i] = va_arg (marker, VARIANT);



dp.cArgs = cArgs;

dp.rgvarg = pArgs;

// Handle special-case for property-puts!



dp.cNamedArgs = 1;

dp.rgdispidNamedArgs = &dispidNamed;


// Make the call!

hr = pDisp->Invoke (dispID, IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, autoType, &dp, pvResult, nullptr, nullptr);

if (FAILED (hr))


sprintf (buf, "IDispatch::Invoke("%s"=%08lx) failed w/err 0x%08lx", szName, dispID, hr);

MessageBox (nullptr, buf, "AutoWrap()", 0x10010);

_exit (0);

return hr;


// End variable-argument section...


delete [] pArgs;

return hr;


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Q: How do you read figures from a text file and write them in tabular form in an excel spreadsheet in c plus plus?
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How can you convert Excel to HTML without losing interactivity?

You can not. You can write a custom Web page using PHP, JAVA Script, or some other language to replicate a spreadhseet, but you can not import an Excel spreadsheet into an HTML document and retain interactivity.

What is the program to fetch a notepad contents to the Excel sheet using Perl?

When you ask questions like this, you need to specify what format your data is in. A common format is CSV. I believe that Excel accepts CSV format. Maybe if you write your file in CSV and change it from yourfile.txt to yourfile.csv, then Excel will be able to read it properly. Or maybe you'll have to search through the Excel options for CSV. If I'm wrong and Excel can't read CSV, then I for one have no idea what Excel's format is like. CSV is quite simple. You write out each row of the spreadsheet as a line of text, and you separate the columns using commas. Example: Year,Sales,Profit 2006,42018,6320 2007,44619,7706 2008,47328,9584 2009,41621,-800

How do you easily create Excel files in c?

You might be able to use C to extract data from an Excel file, but there is no easy way to write a program to create an Excel file.

Does java supports friend function?

I don't believe that Excel has such a function; you'll have to write one yourself.

How to read and write Excel Files with Perl? This link has a great example of accessing the Excel API using Perl.

Related questions

Why is a spreadsheet called a spreadsheet?

It is because it is a electronic spreadsheet program. A spreadsheet in the traditional sense is a piece of paper with rows and columns that people use to write figures on and do calculations. In 1978 a business student named Dan Bricklin, thought that there should be a simpler way of doing them than on paper, as they were slow and tedious to use, especially when changes in the figures needed to be made. He got together with Bob Frankston who was a friend and a programmer. They created VisiCalc, the first electronic spreadsheet program. Many other spreadsheet programs were created by other people after that and Microsoft Excel is one of those.

How do you write out 35 billion on Excel spreadsheet?

Just type 35000000000 into a cell. You can format it whatever way you want after that.

Which Excel tool would you use to help you find just the right word?

The right word for what?? Excel is a spreadsheet used to crunch numbers and get results by using formulas, if you want to write a paper use Word.......

Write an essay on Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft excel is a spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft corporation. There are different version of Microsoft excel with the latest being Microsoft excel 2010 which is boundled with Microsoft office 2010. Microsoft excel contains basic features of which all the spreadsheet programs have. It has worksheets which are a grid of cells. The grid of cell is arranged in rows and columns with the rows being referred to with numbers and rows with alphabetical letters. Microsoft excel has many wonderful features to offer the small business user. Excel is mosyt widely known for its spreadsheet function, though it has numerous other uses. Spreadsheets are useful to any type of small business. For example, spreadsheet can be used as an accountant's ledger or a professor's grade book. Invoices and budgets can be prepaired with excel and one might use it to balance a checkbook as well.

How can you convert Excel to HTML without losing interactivity?

You can not. You can write a custom Web page using PHP, JAVA Script, or some other language to replicate a spreadhseet, but you can not import an Excel spreadsheet into an HTML document and retain interactivity.

Excel is an example of?

Microsoft Excel is an example of spreadsheetsoftware.

How do you set significant figures in Microsoft Excel?

Excel STILL does not have a specific significant figures function and will only accept 15 significant figures when entering numbers. Quite simply you have to write your own formula and have to do workarounds when entering longer numbers.

Is a spreadsheet program used primarily to print letters?

A spreadsheet could in theory be used to write letters, but it is a job best done with a word processor, so a spreadsheet would not be used to write letters.

What does equal plus mean in excel?

The combined sign has no special meaning. Any formula in Excel starts with an equal sign. To refer to a cell, you can write, for example, =A1. This can also be written as =+A1. The "+" isn't really necessary in this case. Most likely, a user started the formula with a "+" (out of old habit, since that's what people used to do in older spreadsheet programs), and Excel added the equal sign, which is required in Excel, automatically.

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What is the function of Microsoft Word Excel Access and PowerPoint?

Word: A word processor, used to write texts.Excel: This is a spreadsheet program. Great for doing calculations. Access: A relatively simple database system. PowerPoint: This is a presentation software.

Write the functions of ms Excel that are different from Microsoft Word?

They are two completely different types of programs. MS Excel is a spreadsheet, while MS Word is a word processor. For example, it is not possible to create a pivot chart in MS Word that automatically updated every time you change a value in a related cell. It is not possible to click a button to "select all" in MS Excel.