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The best way to recognize when your female dog has her first heat cycle is to spot the drops of blood that will come from her rear. Her female parts will also appear swollen.

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Q: How do you recognize when your female dog has her first heat cycle?
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When is the first cycle for a female dog a cross of German Shepherd dog and Labrador dog?

The first heat cycle for a female dog would be between 6-24 months. If she doesn't have her first cycle by then, you take a trip to the vet. And it doesn't necessarily matter what kind of dog it is to have a certain heat cycle. Hope this helps!

Are there any medications for a female dogs first heat?

There is no reason to give a female dog medications for a first heat. Having a heat cycle is a normal thing for a female dog. If you are not going to breed her, then have her spayed as soon as she is out of heat. She will live a longer and healthier life. Cut down her risks of mammary tumors, uterine infections, perianal tumors, etc.

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When a female cat is in heat it is called Estrus --This is the name of the cycle. The name of the cat itself is a queen. == ==

At what age do female dogs get prgnant?

They can be bred when they have their first heat cycle which can be as early as four months but is more typically around six months. It is generally not recommended to breed a dog on it's first heat.

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3 weeks

When do English cocker spaniels go into menses?

Female dogs of all breeds have menses (called the "heat cycle", or estrus) twice a year on average starting at around 7-10 months of age. A female dog will gain the most in health benefits if they are spayed before they have their first heat cycle.

Long is the heat cycle of a donkey?

A donkey's heat cycle can vary since no two donkeys are the same. However, the average heat cycle tends to be anywhere between 23 and 30 days.

Why does your 15 year old dog still has cycle?

I will assume you are talking about the dog's heat cycle. A female dog does not have a menopause, as people do. Their cycles continue their entire life, though in it's elder years the cycle can become less predictable as to when it occurs. A female dog no matter it's age can become pregnant, but that doesn't mean it's healthy for an older dog! This is why female dogs need to be spayed, preferably before the onset of their first heat cycle.

If a female is in heat can she get pregnant by a female?

No. Only a male can impregnate a female. No female mammal of any species can get another female pregnant. For mammals that have a "heat" cycle, being in "heat" is required for pregnancy by a male. If such a mammal (a dog for instance) is not in heat or doesn't have a male partner, pregnancy is not possible.

What happens when a female rabbit is in heat?

Female rabbits don't go into heat. Ovulation in rabbits is triggered by fornication, so they don't have a menstrual cycle.

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