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Navigate to the record menu. To start recording click the start button bar (power/play/pause) on the side. Click again to stop.

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Q: How do you record songs on zen stone plus I want to be able to record stuff on my zenstone plus I want to be able to record what people are saying?
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How do you beccome famous?

you go to a studio and record songs someone will give you a record deal so that way you can meet other famous people

Where does Big Time Rush record their songs?

Big Time Rush record their songs on their tour bus (if they are on tour) or they usually record in a studio

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150 songs is the amount of songs they have released

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Songs were used during slavery and the construction of railroads to brighten the spirits of those people because many people can relate to what the songs were saying and music generally has made people happy and joyful all throughout history! =D

How is the record used today?

not many people use it but you can listen to songs its just like a really big CD

Were can you record your songs?

in Edmonton Alberta

Did Saint Cecilia compose any songs?

If she did compose any songs, there is no record of them.

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you record it into your songs on phone

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The Rolling Stones hold the record for the most recorded songs of all time. After releasing their 29th album, GRRR!, their record increased to 439 songs.

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