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Q: How do you recover while breeding both male and female fighting?
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How do you recover while breeding male and female fighting fighter fish?

you need to seprate them or they will kill each other!

Will a male and female Siamese fighting fish get along?

The male will only put up with a female while he is courting and breeding with her. Once the spawning process is over he will kill her if she is not removed from the tank.

Why do dogs lock while they are breeding?

he has glands at the base of his penis that the female grips onto whilst mating

Do female pandas cheat on male pandas?

Yes. because they mate with several other males while breeding

Do sea lions live alone?

90% sure that they live alone for most of the season but for the breeding season the males go to the breeding grounds and establish territories while waiting for a female to come.

How do you find a Poochyena egg?

Put a male and female mightyena in the daycare. Then, after a while you'll get an egg. Keep it in your paty and it'll hatch after a while. Breeding hint, ditto can breed with a male or female pokemon. It happened with my infernape, typhlosion and emboar.

Can a female dog get pregnant while she is bleeding?

Yes, that's the time they are usually introduced to the male for breeding.

What Pokemon do you get from a plusle and minun in Pokemon Emerald?

Assuming you're talking about breeding, what Pokemon you get depends on the genders. If you have a female Plusle and a male Minun, you get a Plusle, while a female Minun and male Plusle gives you a Minun.

Are most sheep female?

A female sheep are called a ewe, while the male is called a ram. As a ram is only needed for breeding, the sheep you often see in a field, are likely to be all females.

How do snowy owls take care of their babies?

Both the male and female defend their nest and their young from predators .Some individuals stay on the breeding grounds while others migrate.

Does Gaara die while fighting Sasuke?

Gaara does not die while fighting Sasuke.

What is the process called when humans intentionally allow individuals with certain traits to breed while not breeding other individuals who lack these traits while breeding animals such as dogs?

The common name would be 'selective breeding'.