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encourage patient to take low protein diet

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Q: How do you reduce penorbital edema for patient nephrotic syndrome?
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yes, because daily exercise can eliminate waste that cause the irritable bowel syndrome

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Why patient with emphysema thin?

Because emphysema reduce the oxygen perfusion (transfer) from alveoli into the blood thus also reduce the oxygen supply to the muscle and organ. Reduce the oxygen delivery to the periphery cause weight loss and thus they (emphysema patient) look thin.

Why aspirin is contraindicated for corticosteroid users?

aspirin is contraindicated for cortiosteroids users in not real question because both aspirin and corticosteroids can be given simultaneously but the main things is to monitor the drugs ie if there is some gastrointestinal disorder excessive use of aspirin may cause gastrointestinal disorder. suppose in case of kidney "nephrotic syndrome" we can give both aspirin is given if there is thrombus in the renal vessel and corticosteroids is given to reduce supress the inflammation.

Congenital nephrotic syndrome?

DefinitionCongenital nephrotic syndrome is disorder passed down through families in which a baby develops protein in the urine and swelling of the body. Congenital means it is present from birth.See also: Nephrotic syndromeAlternative NamesNephrotic syndrome - congenitalCauses, incidence, and risk factorsCongenital nephrotic syndrome is a very rare form of nephrotic syndrome. It occurs primarily in families of Finnish origin and develops shortly after birth. It is inherited, which means it is passed down through families.Children with this disorder have an abnormal form of a protein called nephrin, which is found in the kidney.SymptomsCoughDecreased urine outputFoamy appearance of urineLow birth weightPoor appetiteSwelling (total body)Signs and testsAn ultrasound done on the pregnant mother before birth may show a larger-than-normal placenta. The placenta is the organ that develops during pregnancy to feed the developing baby.Pregnant mothers may have a screening test done during pregnancy to check for this condition. The test looks for higher-than-normal levels of alpha-fetoprotein in sample of amniotic fluid. Genetic tests should be used to confirm the diagnosis if the screening test is positive.After birth, the infant will show signs of severe fluid retention and generalized swelling. The health care provider will hear abnormal sounds when listening to the baby's heart and lungs with a stethoscope. Blood pressure may be high. There may be signs of malnutrition.A urinalysisreveals large amounts of protein and the presence of fat in the urine. Total protein in the blood may be low.TreatmentEarly and aggressive treatment is needed to control the disorder.Treatment may involve:Antibiotics to control infectionsBlood pressure medicines called ACE inhibitorsDiuretics ("water pills") to eliminate excess fluidNonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as indomethacin to slow protein build up in the urineFluids may be restricted to help control swelling.Removal of the kidneys, dialysis, and kidney transplant may be recommended.Expectations (prognosis)The disorder commonly results in infection, malnutrition, and kidney failure. It can often lead to death by 5 years of age, and many children die within the first year. Congenital nephrotic syndrome may be successfully controlled in some cases with early and aggressive treatment, including early kidney transplantation.ComplicationsAcute kidney failureBlood clotsChronic kidney failureEnd-stage kidney diseaseFrequent, severe infectionsMalnutrition and related diseasesCalling your health care providerCall your health care provider if your child has symptoms of congenital nephrotic syndrome.ReferencesNephrotic Syndrome. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2007:chap. 527.

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well, you have to be patient, thoughtful, kind, and you gotta reduce your temper

What did lister want doctors to do to help reduce number of patient deaths after surgery?


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Improve patient satisfaction reduce medication Errors Use the Patient safety checklists daily

What does a person do to reduce the pain in the leg while undergoing physical therapy to remedy this syndrome?

He takes a lot of Vicodin.