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To neutralize a wasp sting, the best thing to do is pour warm water with baking soda mixed into it. The baking soda water contain a weak alkali which will ease the pain of the acidic solution and would put it back to its normal pH.gWhich should Heal you're sting

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13y ago
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9y ago

Bees and wasps are everywhere, and sometimes it is hard to avoid being stung by them. If a person is stung, they can neutralize the sting with apple cider vinegar.

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15y ago

Ice helps and then there are sting meds you can buy.

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Q: How do you reduce the swelling from a wasp sting?
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What happens if you swallow a wasp?

If you swallowed a wasp it would obviously sting your mouth or your throat then you suck on a ice cube to reduce the swelling.

If a wasp stings a pregnant lady in the belly and is swollen around the bellybutton what do you do?

For any wasp sting, apply a cold compress to reduce swelling. If the problem persists or gets worse, consult your physician.

Is ice good for a wasp sting?

As a form of ice, yes. Ice will reduce the swelling. A trick I've heard of and used on several occasions is to sterilize a penny and tape it to the sting. The copper in the penny reduces the swelling and at the end of the day, almost looks like you never got stung.

What causes wasp sting?

A wasp causes a wasp sting

The swelling has bee there for 3 days from the wasp sting?

Usually the swelling lasts for a few days.

Which is worse a wasp sting or a hover fly sting?

Well, wasp sting is more poisonous than bee sting

Is a wasp sting a alkaline or acidic?

A wasp sting is acidic in nature. When a wasp stings, it injects venom that is slightly acidic, which can cause pain, swelling, and redness at the site of the sting. Applying a basic substance, such as baking soda, can help neutralize the acidity and alleviate some of the symptoms.

When will a wasp sting?

A wasp will sting when it feels threatened or scared.

Is a wasp sting acidic?

the wasp sting is full of venom which is alkaline

Wasp sting acid?

The wasp sting venom is alkaline, and so can be treated with a mild acid like vinegar to reduce the pain. By contrast the bee sting is acidic. An easy way to remember is that the word 'bee' has fewer letters than wasp, and the word 'acid' has fewer letters than alkali.

What is the name of the alkali that present in wasp sting?

yes wasp stings are alkali but bee stings are acidic

What is the nature of bee sting and wasp sting?

The nature of the bee and wasp sting is that they are usually inflammatory and acidic.