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You can't - cats don't take well to long-term sedation like what you would need to cover a 3-day trip. The best option is to take it easy while driving - no sudden acceleration or slamming on the brakes, no sudden turns, etc. If your cat is huddling in its carrier, try draping a sheet or blanket over it to shut out the visual stimulation of the scenery flashing by. If your cat is bouncing around, try leaving the blanket off and let your cat watch as the world goes by. Take frequent rest stops (every 2-3 hours) and let you cat have access to the litter box during these stops. Keep a small amount of fresh water available at all times and offer small amounts (like a toddler's handful) of kibble at rest stops.

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13y ago

You can get a cat to sleep by either feeding it before bedtime, or actively playing with the cat throughout the day and in the evening so he or she is sleepy by the time the owner goes to bed.

Cats like routine; many cats have been "taught" to sleep throughout the night, or go to sleep at a particular time in the evening. A cat that gets used to sleeping at certain times will often start doing so without prompting, or rigorous playtime beforehand.

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14y ago

A good way to relax a cat is to rub it. When the cat starts to lay down and is purrying you know it is relaxed. =)

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Petting and talking to him or her in a reassuring tone. Most cat's like to rubbed underneath their neck, behind their ears, and just a gently rub on their backs. A healthy cat treats can sometimes go a long way in calming a cat. Your tone is very important, if your calm, it helps to calm your cat. Here an article helping you choose healthy cat snacks,

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relax and calm down

What if your cat was ill and needed a cast but he chewed off some of it and now its stuck in his teeth like string What do you Do?

You go to a vet and ask for suggestions. I hope your cat wont lose any of its teeth or have to go to an animal hospital and if you have to take of the cast relax nothing will hapen to its teeth.I wish you luck, and wish the best for your and your cat.

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What part of speech is can relax?

Can and relax are verbs.