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Q: How do you remove an eyeliner stain from clothing when you have already washed it?
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How do you remove a stain that has already been washed dried?

Duck tape

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How can this item of clothing be washed?

It depends on the type of clothing.

Was clothes being sent to china to be washed?

No. Clothing is washed in the location where they are.

How do you remove old semen stain from clothes?

Semen is a protein stain- if you have washed the clothing in hot water or put it into the dryer, it is unlikely to ever come off. If the clothes haven't been washed, uses a pretreatment like OxyClean. Then soak the clothing in cold water for 20 minutes before washing it.

Are moldy clothes ruinedThey've been washed and dried already but still smelly and stained Do I call it a loss It is a lot like 3 or 4 loads worth of clothing.?

Use vinegar

How often should wool clothing be washed?

not very often as it may rip or shrink

What is the meaning of secondhand clothing?

Second-hand clothing was worn by someone before, washed, and given or sold to someone else who could use it.

How did they wash their clothing in ancient Egypt?

They were normally washed by professional washerwomen or men. They would be washed in the water.

What precautions should be taken to remove old asbestos insulation?

Workers need to be very cautious when removing the insulation. They must be equipped with protective clothing, including long sleeves, gloves, and masks. Once the job is completed, clothing should be removed immediately and either discarded or thoroughly washed.