

Best Answer

1.Fill pot, pail, or machine with the hottest water possible.
2.Put item in water for 3 minutes.
3.Add soda ash while stirring / Pulse Agitate for 15 - 30 minutes. (Pot = 1/8 cup, Pail = ½ cup, Washing machine = 1 cup)

5.Repeat if necessary

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Q: How do you remove dye from clothes that bled into them in the laundry?
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How do i get stains out of clothes that bled in washer?

If the colors of your clothes bled in the washer, don't put them in the dryer. The dryer will set the dye into the clothes. Take the lightly colored items that were stained by the bleeding dye and put them back into the washer without detergent on a hot water cycle.

Does pine-soil bring out mascara from laundry?

Yes, but it can also remove the dye from your clothes so be sure to test it before you wash your favorite top in Pine-Sol.

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How do you remove red dye stains from a white and red dress that has bled on itself?

Have you tried Vanish? The pink thing... It helped me many times!

How do you remove a purple dye stain that resulted from washing a purple tye dyed shirt that bled on other clothing in the wash?

just leave it alone

How do you dye clothes on pixie hollow?

You Have to be a Pixie Hollow Member to dye clothes, then you can go to any dye shop and dye your clothes, but you will have to have ingredients to buy and dye your clothes. :)

Why does dark laundry come out with white?

The dye in dark clothing comes out regardless of the presences of white clothing. When a dark item is dyed, the manufacturer sets the dye to make sure that it stays on the fabric, but some of the dye doesn't set. When this item is washed, some of that un-set dye may come off and redeposit itself on surrounding clothes. If the dye redeposits on a dark item, the dye will not be visible, but if the dye redeposits on a white item, the dye will change the color. It is generally not permanent, but sometimes the heat of the dryer can set the newly redeposited dye into clothes.

How to remove clothes dye from enamel radiator?

To remove clothes dye from an enamel radiator, put a small amount of bleach on a cotton swab and rub the stain gently. Wipe away the bleach residue with a damp cloth. You can also try using rubbing alcohol if the bleach does not work.

How do you remove anti theft dye pack from clothes?

It is almost impossible. I have to ask why though, are you planning on robbing a bank?

How do you repair faded clothes?

Simply get a fabric dye that is the colour your clothes were. Follow the instructions and dye!

How can a nonmember fairy on pixie hollow dye clothes?

to dye your clothes you have to go to the dye shop and select the clothing and pay 1 pixie diamond to dye your clothing.

How do you remove stains from table clothes when bleach will not work?

If bleach will not remove the stains from your tablecloth, the stains will not come out. One way to save the tablecloth would be to dye it a different color. You can find dye at any craft store or supermarket.