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Iodine can generally be removed from kelp by allowing the kelp to soak in water for 30 minutes.

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Q: How do you remove iodine from kelp?
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Related questions

Iodine is obtained from which organism?

Iodine was obtained in the past from seaweeds as kelp.

What marine plant is iodine obtained?


What living organisms can iodine be extracted from?

Iodine can be extracted from kelp,shellfish and soya beans.

What is the mineral giant kelp needs for growth?


What is in plant iodine?

Iodine is a nonmetallic crystaline element in the halogen family, not a plant.

How do you get iodine in foods?

Iodine is found in foods with seaweed. To add iodine to your food, add kelp, wakame, or kombu to the food while cooking.

Which antiseptic is made from seaweed?

Sea kelp is a form of seaweed. As it grows, it takes iodine out of seawater. Over time, sea kelp has a much higher concentration of iodine than seawater. Sea kelp is harvested, dried, and burned to collect iodine. There are also several other products on the market containing seaweed that have an antiseptic nature.

How did bernard courtois discover iodine?

Bernard Courtois discovered iodine by adding sulfuric acid to kelp. It let off a violet-purple gas and was soon called iodine.

How common is iodine in nature?

Pretty common, it's extractable from Kelp/seaweed, but a pain.

Is kelp used for underactive thyroid?

Yes, but it has been shown that continuous use of kelp is good for an over-active thyroid. So, it is recommended to use kelp to get the iodine, but keeping track of your symptoms to see if they have receded.

How much iodine is in 1 teaspoon of kelp powder?

1500-2000 mcg

What is in kelp that makes products?

Kelp is a natural iodine. This helps with the thyroid gland, and people take it for energy boosts. Kelp contains antioidants, which are believed to help cleanse the body of toxins. Some people take kelp to aleviate constipation. Kelp has natural vitamins and minerals. People will consume kelp to help with a deficiency in their diet. Because of its richness in vitamins, kelp is also used in products like hair vitamin supplements.