

Best Answer

peanut butter or any cooking out peanut oil best for removing anything from hair

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Q: How do you remove poster putty from hair?
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What is poster Putty?

sticky tack

Does peanut butter remover silly putty in hair?

It removes peanut butter so why wouldn't it remove silly putty?

What should you do when glitter putty is stuck on your hair?

A popular homemade rememdy to separate putty from hair is using peanut butter or mayonnaise.

How do you use plumbers putty on faucet?

Put putty under outer edge of faucet base and fasten to sink. Remove excess putty after fastening faucet.

How do you re-glaze old windows?

Found this at another site: * First, using a putty knife, dig out the old glazing and scrape it away. * Roll out the glazing putty into strips between your hands to soften it. * Press the glazing putty all the way around the frame of the glass. * Finally, smooth out the glazing compound with a putty knife and remove the excess.

How do i get flarp putty out of hair?

Straight vinegar!

How do you get poster putty stain off of walls?

You can get a poster putty stain off of walls by mixing vegetable and mineral oil together, then applying it to the stain using paper towels. Wipe the wall using a bit of pressure. When the stain has gone, you can get rid of the oily residue by wiping the area with a sponge that has been dipped into a warm soapy solution.

How do you remove mighty putty?

Soften it will fingernail polish remover and scrape with a putty knife. It should come off relatively easy.

How do you remove putty from a comforter?

Take it too a dry cleaner. They know.

How do you get the Hair-o-Sniff Poster on Moshi Monsters?

You can buy the Hair-o-Sniff Poster at Horrods on Moshi Monsters. You must be at least level 15 to buy the poster. You must be a paid Moshi Member to access Horrods.

How do you remove mighty putty from skin after it hardens?

WD 40 will loosen it up.

How do you replace knots in wooden fencing?

Remove board and place horizontally on a waxed surface or waxed paper. Fill hole with spackling compound or putty using a putty knife. Tap brads (small nails) around perimeter of larger knotholes to hold putty. Choose pre-colored putty, or paint board when putty dries.