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It's kinda gross and takes a while, but I just put it outside in a safe place and let the flies and ants take care of it... It could smell terrible (mine did), so make sure it's away from people. And make sure its somewhere where people won't take it if it's a cool looking shell.

After a few days I took it back to the ocean and washed it out... seems to have worked!

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Q: How do you remove sea snail from it's shell?
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A snail. A tortise.

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Like a delicate sea shell, or a snail shell I guess.

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Yes! The shell of a snail is just like our spine. Its true- do not try and remove at anything- the snail would die a slow and painful death!

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a snail...a clam...hope tht helped!

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What I know of that is hermit crabs will eat snails. However, hermit crabs will often use an empty shell of a sea snail.

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The scientific name for balay shell is Strombus balatus. It is a species of sea snail in the family Strombidae.


No, a sea snail can't grow its shell back.

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