

How do you remove the bottom a glass fish tank?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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The order of side and end removal depends on how it has been constructed. A Stanley knife and a single edged razor blade are required to slide between sealed joints and lever the sheets of glass apart. Once all the broken glass is removed a replacement piece can be siliconed in and clamped in place.

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Q: How do you remove the bottom a glass fish tank?
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Why do fish bang on tank?

They may not know there is glass and it takes time for them to learn. If your tank glass is reflective they may think it's an enemy fish and try to attack. If that's the case, I suggest getting a clear glass tank before the fish hurts itself too much.

How did my fish tank magically clean itself?

I suggest that you learn more about your fish in your aquarium. One of your fish might be a bottom sucker which means that they eat all of the dirt on the side or bottom of your tank. If one of your fish are bottom suckers, that's probably the reason why your aquarium is clean. If none of your fish are bottom suckers, than somebody must be secretly cleaning your tank for you.

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yes you can put a glass sheet over the top of a tank to act as a lid.

Can a fish live in a glass box and not a tank?

no it is impossible because the fish will definetely die