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Put Olive oil on it every day for 3 days, and the smell should leave.

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Q: How do you remove the smell of mothballs from leather?
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Is the smell of mothballs dangerous for small children?

Yes, mothballs contain naphthalene, which is a poison if inhaled.

What is a camphorous smell?

strong aromatic odour

How do you remove the strong smell of the leather in the car seat?

By purchasing a car with cloth seats.

You threw mothballs under your deck now how do you get rid of the smell?

Lime neutralizes just about anything, but mothballs should not be under your deck.

Would mothballs have an immediate effect on your fuel system and would it smell like mothballs when the engine is can you tell if your tank has been spiked?

In a recent Mythbusters, it was determined to be "plausible" that mothballs can actually increase your car's mileage. If mothballs were placed in your gas tank, I suspect you would smell the scent mothballs as they dissolved and then burned. It doesn't sound like mothballs would "spike" your tank. How can you tell if your tank has been spiked? If you cannot tell, it probably doesn't matter.

What properties of paradichlorobenzene might convince us to believe it is an ingredient in mothballs?

The smell

What causes a formaldehyde smell in a house?

Mothballs could create some of the odor.

How do you get rid of the smell of mothballs?

The smell of mothballs can be difficult to get rid of but heating up the area for a few hours to release odors, then airing out the area is one way that can help. Cleaning the area with vinegar and baking soda and using charcoal to help absorb the smell are other ways to rid your home of the smell.

How do you remove gasoline odor from leather belt?

you get water or olive oil and a cup with hot water in it .put the leather belt in there and wait 15 or 20 min then smell it