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Do NOT use this Orange Glo product nor buy any of the ebooks folks are trying to sell you on how to remove the build up/haze. I called Orange Glo's customer service line directly and found out how to remove this product off the floor. Their solution? Plain old ammonia and good old fashioned hands and knees elbow Yup, an entire weekend on my hands and knees, to get the floors back to their original luster because there was so much build up on them.

We've been using this product and at first it really looked nice but then the floors started looking dull and very scratched up. I didn't understand why and then noted streaks where some parts of the floor were shiny and others were dull so I scraped with my fingernail and removed some product. Underneath it was shiny. So I decided to Google and found that lots of people were having the same problem!

Directions from Orange Glo's customer service line:

1. Mix 1/2 cup of ammonia with 1 gallon of warm water.

2. Apply solution to floor with mop in inconspicuous place first to test.

3. Once you determine it's okay to use on your floors...apply to floor and let stand for 5 minutes.

4. Wipe up the solution with a clean soft cloth.

5. Wipe with circular motion if there is more of a build up.

6. According to how much build up you might have to repeat the process until it's all off.

I'm very disappointed this product is still being sold in stores as no one should ever use this on their floors!

P.S. I'm a housewife so anyone wasting their time changing this answer to promote the sell of their eBook will get frustrated REALLY quick! .

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Q: How do you remove the white hazy film left by Mop and Glo Orange Glo from hardwood floors?
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If you use cleaners like Mop & Glo or Orange Glo on your floors than yes you will get a cloudy white film build up. The reason being is that these products have oils in them, that when used over and over again will build up and take away the shine.AnswerYes it can be too much of a build-up or simply the type of product you are using. Go a hardwood dealership and ask them what you can do about this as there are special products for cleaning hardwood floors.

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NO! Leaves a white dull film.

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Solid hardwood floors can be mopped with hot water alone, to help protect them. In addition to this one may use white vinegar & warm water to remove any marks or smells that may have settled.

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Cleaning depends on the floors finish. Newer hardwood floors have a sealed finish, these floors just need mopping with water with a splash of white vinegar, to look great. Floors which have not been sealed need to be pampered and protected with liquid or paste wax, to maintain their great look.

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One way to get the white film off of wood floors is to use vinegar. All one has to do is mix the vinegar and water together and use a mop as normal.

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