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you need to go to the ER to make sure that it is all out. you should also be on limes medication for 6 weeks or two life cycles. get enough rest!

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Q: How do you remove ticks and their eggs from human hair?
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Which arthropods often attach themselves to human hair?

Fleas, ticks, and lice.

Is lice shampoo effective on seed ticks?

Yes, shampoo eliminates ticks.Specifically, ticks belong to the parasitic order within the spider and spider-related member class within the arthropod phylum. They can attach themselves to clothing, hair and skin. Vigorous cleansing and shampooing will remove the pests from a dwelling's domesticated and human residents.

Do ticks get in hair?

No tics are found only on dogs, human hair has lice.

Can other animals apart from insects lay eggs in human hair?

This could be a trick question. No other animal lays eggs in human hair while that hair is still attached to a human head, but hair that falls off or is cut off and blows away in the wind may be collected by birds and incorporated into their nests, where they will lay their eggs.

Can hair grow out of ticks in dogs?


What is a crablike insect that lives on human scalp and shoots out its eggs and or larvae?

its called a louse. they attach to the hair on the scalp to lay eggs and feed on human blood.

How do you remove human hair from the digestive system?

It comes out as solid waste.

Can a chinchilla get ticks or fleas?

no they can not,,their hair is too dense ..

Can gnats lay eggs in human hair?

No, it's not a good environment for their eggs. With all the chemicals most people have in their hair such as: shampoos, perms, dyes, hairspray, gels, oils, and greases... along with combing and brushing your hair its not a good place for gnats to lay their eggs.

How do you remove oil from human hair?

Try taking a shower or use soap.

What bugs live on human skin?

There are several types of bugs that can live in human hair even if only temporarily. Some of the bugs are lice, ticks, mosquitoes, roaches, and ants.

How big are nits and what are the dots im getting out of your hair now?

Nits are the eggs laid by human head lice Pediculosis capitis. The lice are about a millimeter long (easy to see look in the related link below). I suspect the dots you are finding are the eggs (nits) that are glued to the base of your hair strands. The eggs (nits) are very difficult to remove even after they are dead or have hatched.You need to kill the lice and the eggs using some proprietary topical treatment.