

How do you report answers?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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In the blue bar on the left of the page, you can "flag" an answer. You can select one or multiple topics to flag the answers.

The flag options are:

One-Sided Answer

The answer needs spelling/grammar cleanup

The answer is repetitive or poorly structured

The answer contains a phone number or web address

The answer is inflammatory/offensive or contains bad language

The answer needs more detail.

Once you flag the question this will allow the supervisor of that category to easily see the issue. You can always e-mail a supervisor to report an answers. You can also go to the community forum to post the URL to the Vandalism forum.

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For a short time, there may be. WikiAnswers absolutely does not allow the use of offensive language anywhere on the site, so please remove the language from answers or report it to a Supervisor. You can also report questions and answers by clicking the red "report abuse" link above the question, on the right-hand side.

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Currently, no. Please use the "Report Abuse" button in the top-right hand corner to report a question.

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