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Accept what you cannot change and change what you can

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Q: How do you resolve role conflict in the workplace?
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Why conflict occurs in the workplace?

Conflict occurs when individual or group of persons wish to carry out acts which are mutually inconsistent and also occurs in an organization because of changes. Project managers must develop effective communication skills to resolve project conflicts. The objective of project manager is not only to resolve the conflict but also to perform as a judge in assisting the employees to reach tolerable result.

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where the conflict resolved

How can conflict be resloved?

the easiest way to resolve conflict. To talk it out.

What are the Role of recruitment in the workplace?

the role of recruitment in the workplace is where you get recruited to work there ou little pok

What is role ambiguity?

Role Ambiguity - norms for a specific position are vague, unclear and ill-defined. Actors disagree on role expectations, not because there is role conflict but because role expectations are unclear. Examples: job descriptions, clinical objectives.

What are the importance of understanding cultural diversity as it relates to conflict in the workplace?

Cultural differences can cause misunderstandings and conflict in the workplace. Understanding cultural diversity can prevent this.

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How do societies resolve a conflict?

Peace by dialogue.

One approach to solving problems without fighting or name-calling is conflict?

Conflict Resolution - to resolve a conflict.

Should violence be used to resolve the conflict in Bosnia?


What role does the law play in resolving a dispute or a conflict?

The law can set parameters for the resolution of a dispute or a conflict. It also sets the rules, for example people may not hit each other to resolve a conflict.

What are the benefits of studying techniques in conflict management in the workplace?

The most important benefit of studying techniques in conflict management in the workplace is that it helps those who study it ease their workday from stresses.