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Q: How do you restate the question how did the constitution guard against tyranny?
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How does the constitution guards against tyranny?

it used four guards against tyranny which include checks and balances Federalism big states VS. small states separation of powers

The anti-federalist james winthrop argued that a bill of rights was necessary in the constitution because?

it would secure the minority against the usurpation and tyranny of the majority.

Which reason best explains why many antifederalist finally agreed to the ratifraction of the constitution?

They wanted protections against tyranny of the central government.

How did the constitution guard against tyranny with federalism?

Federalism prevents tyranny because it separates the power so it's not all in one place. This shows separation of power because the government and the states have their own laws/rules which they can enforce as they please.

Why did the authors of articles of confederation create weak central government?

To protect against tyranny

How did the constitution guard against tyranny?

The three main ways that the Constitution did protect against tyranny are Checks and Balances, Federalism, and Separation of Powers. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. The rule of law is the principle that no one is exempt from the law, even those who are in a position of power. The rule of law can serve as a safeguard against tyranny, because just laws ensure that rulers do not become corrupt.

Does Madison say its possible to have tyranny in a democracy?

Yes. Madison warned against the "tyranny of the majority" in a democracy.

Does Madison say it is possible to have tyranny in democracy?

Yes. Madison warned against the "tyranny of the majority" in a democracy.

Does Madison say it is possible to have a tyranny in a democracy?

Yes. Madison warned against the "tyranny of the majority" in a democracy.

How does balances guard against tyranny?

it fights a war in a hole

Who claimed that the constitution was written by aristocrats and would lead to aristocratic tyranny?
