

How do you saddle train a horse?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Saddle Training, or "Breaking" a horse is an experience in itself. It is something to be done very carefully.

First, make sure the horse is of an appropriate age, and musculature to be ridden.

They should also first be bridle trained, of course.

The easiest way to break a horse is to start with placing the saddle on her back first, letting her get used to the idea that it is there.

Encourage your horse to accept it. When she seems like she is used to the saddle, go ahead and buckle it making in tight enough it wont slip around, but loose enough it will not hurt her either.

Give her as long as she needs to be comfortable with something new on her back, let her get used to the extra weight and feeling of it.

As you probably know, a horse should be mounted only from his/her left side. Start by leaning on her left side while stroking her to let her know she's okay. Let all your weight be supported only by her.

Try placing something heavy in the saddle while its on her back, unless you're not worried about being thrown to the ground a few times. A heavy feed sack would work well.

Eventually, after she's used to all these new things and having extra weight on her back, she should accept you climbing up.

There is still a possibility you will be thrown to the ground, of course. But only you can determine when she's ready by the way she acts. Give her time and let her get used to everything at her own pace.

When you know she's ready, climb up. Then the command training begins... :)

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