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Q: How do you say 'I'll go over there' in Spanish?
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i' el ll nunca le dejó ir

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Me acompanaras? (tilde, ~, over the 'n'; accent over final 'a')

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Me iré (I will go away). Saldré (I will go out).

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I believe it's, "Voy a las peliculas" (accent over the "i" in peliculas).

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I hope that makes sense in Spanish, because it sure doesn't in English. Basically, we can't answer your question because we can't understand it.

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You say, "We go to swim." "Vamos a nadar."

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ir (to go) con (with)

How do you say lets go in spanish?

Vamos Partamos / vámonos / vayámonos

How do you say i go in spanish?

"I go" translates into "yo voy" in spanish.

How do you say will you go out with me is spanish?

You can say "¿Puedes salir conmigo?"

How do say you are a girl in Spanish?

~ Nina is how to say girl in spanish...... duhhh didnt you go to school! LOL