

How do you say 'Potato chips to go' in several languages?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Potato chips to go. (Said at McDonald's, e.g.) in Portuguese = Batatinha pra viagem.

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Q: How do you say 'Potato chips to go' in several languages?
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How do you say potato in vietnamese?

Use a Vietnamese/English dictionary...but in Australia they call French Fries potato chips.

How do you say bag of chips in french?

un sac de potato chip

What potato chips is the saltiest?

between lays and kettle ill have to say kettle.

What is chips in Spanish?

Well, chips.There isn't a Spanish word just for chips.However to say potato chips in Spanish, you could use papas fritas.This also means French fries in English. But think about it. Potato chips and French fries are both made of potatoes and most potato chips are fried just like French fries. It can be used interchangeably.

Where do chips contain fat?

chips that are not dry or roasted such as apple chips, banana chips, are fried in oil. potato chips are potato shavings that are fried in oil to give them that crunchy texture and delicious flavor. all the fat is held in the oil which is absorbed by the potato. if you look on a chip package sometimes it will say baked chips, or roasted. then it would not have been fried in oil. go to for the fat and nutritional contents of any food you can think of ;-)

On burn notice what did the cantenna container say?

Sun Crisp Fat Free Potato Chips

What are mrs mikes potato chips?

Mrs. Mike's Potato Chips are great tasting potato chips that are similar to Old Salty's or Mrs. Fisher's if you get them (Rockford, Illinois). Mrs. Mike's are made in Freeport, IL. I buy them in my grocery store in Rockford, Illinois On their site, they say "Mrs. Mike's makes old-fashioned, open-kettle style potato chips that are cooked in vegetable shortening with no cholesterol to provide a great potato taste. Other party/picnic items are also for sale at this factory retail store."

What is the oldest potato chip maker in the US?

Katie Speck Wicks invented the chip in an accident in 1853 and the Saratoga Chip was first made. It wasn't her brother as is often said. Later Herman Lay (of Lay's Potato Chips) popularized the product. The assertions that potato chips were an aphrodisiac his drove his sales. Of course, he didn't actually say that they were but he didn't say otherwise, either.

How do you say thank you in several European languages?

Smile and nod.

How do you say potato in different languages?

Spanish: patata German:Kartoffel French:pomme de terra Greek:πατάτα Italian:patata Swedish:potatis

Is chips good for you?

I just looked at my bag of chips, and it says quite clearly, no cholesterol, ZERO! So the person who wrote the above answer did not check their facts. It is true that chips are high in calories. I only eat the plain kind, because the flavored chips (like sour cream and onion or bar b q) have artificial ingredients. Potato chips have vitamin C and a small amount of protein, so they have a little bit of nutritional value. I would say that overdoing it is the problem, not the chips themselves. There are no artificial ingredients in plain potato chips. Look at the label. They are made from potatoes, vegetable oil and salt. There is no science that shows that potato chips cause acne. If that were true, then nobody would have had acne before potato chips were invented. Acne is caused by bacteria. It is true that eating a lot of potato chips as part of a high calorie diet will contribute to weight gain. One ounce of chips contains about 300 calories, and a medium sized bag contains several ounces. Overweight people should not eat potato chips (or donuts, cookies, cheeseburgers, and other high calorie foods.) There is also no science that shows that chips cause dehydration or sore throats. Everyone should drink more water, regardless of whether they eat potato chips or not. For a normal, healthy person, a few chips are harmless. AnswerPotato chips are high in carbohydrates and contain a lot of sodium, and high amounts of grease. Eating too much of them causes weight gain, and possibly obesity.

How do you say 'some chips' in french?

If it's American chips, "des chips" or "quelques chips". If it's the British ones, "des frites" or "quelques frites". Or if it's a chipped object, there are several translations depending on the context.