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Ya está el café.

En español existen los acentos (´) o (¨).

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Cristian Guzman

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Q: How do you say 'coffee is ready' in Spanish?
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How do you say coffie Spanish?

Are you asking how do you say "coffee" in Spanish? The answer is cafe' Ca fay'

How do you say to have coffee in spanish?

tener cafe

How do say coffee in Spanish?


How do you say a cup of black coffee in spanish?

You say, "Cafe natural." (Ka fay nah tur ahl) for clarification you might add, "Sin azucar tampoco leche." And get ready for a reaction from the barista. Not many people drink coffee "neat" in hispanic countries.

How do you say coffee in Guatemala?

café they speak spanish there

How do you say coffee up in spanish?

it's slang but you would say cafetear

How do you say the coffee is great in spanish?

You can say "El café es buenísimo"

What is the Spanish word for coffee?

El café is Spanish for coffee. If you want milk say "el café con leche". Sugar is "azúcar.

How do you say This is your coffee in spanish?

"Este es tu café"

How do you say coffee in Hebrew?

"Cafeh" (like in Spanish. spelled "קפה").

How do you say hot and ready in spanish?

caliente y listo/a

How do you say getting ready to study in spanish?

preparando a estudiar