

How do you say 'i drink some milk'?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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Q: How do you say 'i drink some milk'?
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How do you say they drink milk in spanish?

"They drink milk" = "que beben leche"

Can I say drink milk or drink a cup of milk?

It depends on the context. Here are some possible sentences: 1. I'm going to drink a cup of milk. 2. I'm going to drink milk. 3. I'm going to drink some milk. They are all correct. Number 2 implies that the speaker has chosen milk as opposed to another drink ("You're having a cup of tea, but I'm going to drink milk.") Put it in a sippy cup and drink it like a man

Can you say you drink a cup of milk?

Yes. Yes you can.

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With this trick question, most people will say "Milk," (which is not true) just for the fun of the questioner catching the questionee off guard. Cows drink water, not milk.

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Some vegetarians drink milk. Vegans, who eat no animal products, do not.

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Depends on opinion. I say it is not normal. And I bet many other people will say no as well...

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Because somehow but it is true that it gives you more mucus that you had before

Does a patient with osteoporosis never drink milk?

Not necessarily. Some do drink milk, but maybe not enough. But milk intake is not the only factor that contributes to osteoporosis.

Do fish drink mom milk?

Well only mammals get milk from their moms so i have to say no on that one.

How do you say needs to drink milk in Spanish?

"Necesita tomar leche"

What are similarities of milk and coffee?

Milk and coffee are both liquids that people drink. Milk and coffee are both items that some people cannot tolerate if they try to drink it.

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