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Q: How do you say 'why do you look so funny' in swedish?
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What fish is the most funny?

I would say the most funniest fish is a flounder because they look so funny!

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I'm Swedish so this will be in Swedish, but Norweigan and Swedish is very similar so a Norweigan will understand it.Jag vill dricka sprit.

How so you say how are you in swedish?

Hur mår du?

How do you say thank you in Sweden?

In Sweden we talk Swedish, so we say "Tack"

How do you say Jesus is funny in Spanish?

he is not real so u cant say hes funny

How do you say cooking burgers in Swedish?

You say laga hamburgare (making hamburgers).In Sweden they don't mean the steak when you say burger, so if you want to say cooking burgers, and you probably meant the meat and not the whole hamburger, so that would be steker hamburgarbiffar in Swedish.

How do you say You're so talented in Swedish?

Du är så begåvad

What are some funny things you can say?

Here is something funny to say:You say it best when you say nothing at all... So why don't you just shut up?!

What does it mean when a girl says you look smart?

It means she cant find anything else to say so she is just listing things off the top of her head..your cute, funny, smart...usually saying your funny and smart are just things to say when you really cant think of anything else to say.

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regular show is so so so funny. i like to have sex.

How do you say I'm grace in Switzerland?

I'm not so sure what the language of Switzerland is called, but i do know swedish In Swedish: Jag Grace In Swahili : Mimi nina Grace

Why does feces look funny?

well your excrement is made up of old digested food so it made a funny shape:)