

English to Swedish

English to Swedish refers to the process of translating words from English to Swedish. A person wanting to learn the Swedish language can use “Prisma’s English-Swedish Dictionary” or online English-Swedish dictionaries.

562 Questions

What is the Swedish word for heavy stone?

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"tung sten" Tungsten (in Swedish called "Wolfram")

How do you say snow in different languages?

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  1. French: neige
  2. Spanish: nieve
  3. German: Schnee
  4. Italian: neve
  5. Japanese: 雪 (yuki)

How is flower said in other languages?

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Flor in Spanish Blom in Afrikaans Zahrah in Arabic Bloem in Dutch Perach in Hebrew

'where have you gone 'translate into french?

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"Où étais tu parti ?" is the translation of your phrase.

What is the Swedish name for grandma and grandpa?

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It's different, it depends on who you are talking about, if it is your fathers parents you are talking about it's called:

Farmor = grandma

Farfar = grandpa

If it is your mother's parents:

Mormor = grandma

Morfar = grandpa

It's really simple, mother is called "Mor" and father is called "Far" so you just put the two together "Fathers mother" = Farmor :)

How do you saw my Swedish isn't so good in Swedish?

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"Your English is good" is "din engelska är bra" in Swedish.

"My English is good" is "min engelska är bra" in Swedish.

How do you say your cool in Swedish?

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"Du är cool". It's hard to prunounce the u if you've got an English accent. Any way! "Due air cool". x]

What is the meaning of the Swedish word strom?

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'Strom' is an anglicized form of the Swedish word 'ström' (pronounced similarly to the English word 'strum'), which means 'stream' or 'brook'. It is a common element in many Swedish last names, and thus was carried over in many American last names as well.

What is hi in Swedish?

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Well, they're very informal, so you can say 'Hej' to just about anyone.

How do you say regards in Swedish?

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"I send my regards" would be "jag skickar mina hälsningar". So regards = hälsningar.

How do you say Lauren in Swedish?

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The name Laura is/are the same in swedish.

How do you say church in Swedish?

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Kristi kropp

Who is The Swedish Chef?

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The Swedish Chef is a Muppet character who cooks hard to swallow dishes.

How can you Translate family in a different language?

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Surnames and first names always remain the same in any language.

But there may be names in the second language that have a similar meaning or sound similar.

There are examples of the Americanisation of German surnames, many immigrants changed a couple of letters in their name to try avoid discrimination.

Examples are :- "Lehmann" became "Lehman", "Schermann" became "Sherman".

What is a Swedish word that means a variety of food?

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Smorgasbord - It's spelled smörgåsbord in Swedish.

How do you say teacher in Swedish?

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To teach is att lära in Swedish.

What is Swedish for good morning?

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"Hej och god morgon."

hello = hej
good morning = god morgon

Hello how are you in Swedish?

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"Tja, hur är läget!"

"Hej, hur är läget?"

"Hallå där, hur står det till?"

"Hej, hur mår du?"

"Tjena, mår du bra?"

"Hejsan! Allt väl med dig?"

There are so many ways of saying this phrase in swedish, but listed above are some of them.

Benedicamus patrem et filium cum sancto spiritu?

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The correct Latin phrase is in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. The phrase means 'in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'. In the word-by-word translation, the preposition 'in' means 'in'. The noun 'nomine' means 'name'. The noun 'patris' means 'father'. The conjunction 'et' means 'and'. The noun 'filii' means 'son'. The noun 'spiritus' means 'spirit'. The adjective 'sancti' means 'holy, sacred'.

I love you in Swedish?

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Love is kärlek (pron. shairlek) in Swedish.

Are the Swedish nice?

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Mostly. Actually, we're kinda' lame. ;P Just remember to take your shoes off when you step inside. :)

What does Lindquist mean in Swedish?

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Lindquist is a common last name in Sweden. It means, litteraly, the branch (twig) of a Tilia cordata (small-leaved Lime) tree. The "lind" is the tree and "quist" is an old-fashioned way of writing "kvist", meaning twig, or treebranch.

What is black in Swedish?

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Black wolf is svart varg in Swedish. Possibly svarte varg if it is someone's nickname.

How do you feel in Swedish?

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Hur mår du? (Sounds a bit like 'hoor more doo?")