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I hope you are enjoying your holiday

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Q: How do you say I hope you are enjoying the summer so far?
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Someone writes to you Hope you enjoying summer as a closing sentence before Regards but without a question mark. Does that mean the person is expecting a reply or is it a mere expression?

The "Hope you are enjoying summer" is just a statement. I would say that they wrote to be polite.

Should you say 'I hope you enjoy your visit' or 'I hope you are enjoying your visit'?

Either -- it depends on what you mean!"I hope you enjoy your visit" means that the visit has not happened yet, but you hope that they will enjoy it."I hope you are enjoying your visit" means that they are visiting now, and you hope that they are now having a good time.

How do you say hope you are enjoying in French?

J'espère que vous appréciez...

How do you say 'I am enjoying your company very much' in Spanish?

Well, if I have understood you question correctly, we say: "Disfruto mucho de tu compañía".

How do you say 'enjoying life' in Armenian?

'enjoying life' - ' vayelel kyanqy'

How do you put move in a sentence?

Move is a verb. Therefore, you can say "I hope I move during the summer."

How do you say mother and father in danish?

mor far ;D Hope its good ^^

How do you say we are enjoying in bengali?

Aamra shobai ek

How do you say enjoying myself in french?

"Je m'amuse"

How to write an opening sentence using dialog?

Well if your writing a narrative ,lets say the toice is your going to Africa for a summer trip..... you could say....."Mom i am sooo bored .I have not done anything so far this summer."

When is the Summer Party on Club Penguin?

well, cp has had about 200.00 parties so far,including the many summer parties and celebrations. today the aprils fool party might end so get enjoying also that if any mu mu bes mean to you pookies say packs bag and clears off forever the mu mus will miss you but serves them right for being mean on a party. as for you workers if your boss shouts simply kill him

What do people mean when they say happily taken?

They are in a relationship and enjoying it.