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Rahajeng Galungan

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Q: How do you say Selamat Galungan in Balinese?
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How do they say good evening in Malaysia?

The Malaysian would also say: Helo more formal would be selamat pagi (morning) / selamat tengahari (afternoon), selamat petang (evening) / selamat malam (after sunset)

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There is no such word for saying Hello in generalthere'sSugeng Enjang for Good MorningSugeng Dalu for Good Eveningfor a complete list, here is the link

How do you say 'hello' in Indonesia?

There are a few things you can say. Hai or Halo are general ways, but depending on the time of day, you can say: Selamat pagi - good morning Selamat siang - good day Selamat sore - good afternoon Selamat malam - good evening.

How do you say Good evening in Malay?

goodnight: selamat malam (se-laa-maat maa-laam)

What does selamat datang means?

'selamat' means 'safe'. But different usage of the word 'selamat' can give different meanings such as 'selamat datang' which is saying 'welcome' to greet visitors.If you translate each of the word 'selamat datang',you will get 'safe coming' or 'safe arriving'.This is because we Malaysians expect visitors to come in safely.Other use of the word 'selamat' is when you say 'selamat pagi' which is 'good morning','selamat tengahari' which is 'good afternoon','selamat petang' which is 'good evening' and 'selamat malam' which is 'good night'.

How do you say 'Merry Christmas' in Indonesian?

Selamat Hari Natal and Selamat Tahun Baru (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year) from Bali!

How do you say goodday in Malaysia?

selamat sejahtera

How do you say welcome in Indonesia?

Selamat Datang!

How do you say good by in Malaysia?

selamat tinggal

How do you say goodbye in Malay?

'selamat tinggal'.

How do you say evening in Malay?

Selamat Petang