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அனைத்து நோக்கம் மாவு

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Q: How do you say all purpose flour in Tamil?
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How do you say gram flour in Tamil?

The Tamil name for gram flour is kadalai mavu.

Which flour for frying self rising or all purpose?

I would just try it to see how it works. It shouldn't taste THAT different. If not, then spend $4.99 on a bag of all purpose flour.

What's in plain flour that isn't in any other flours?

When you say plain flour, I think you mean all-purpose flour. The only thing in all-purpose flour is ground wheat. Self-rising flour has salt and baking powder in it. Most recipes call for using all-purpose flour.

Can you substitute all purpose flour for unbleached?

Yes. All-purpose flour and unbleached flour are usually the same thing. Just be sure that the package doesn't say something like 'self rising', 'bread flour', or 'cake flour' - those ARE NOT all-purpose flour.

Can you substitute plain flour for all-purpose flour in baking stained glass cookies?

Plain flour most likely is AP flour and I say yes at any rate.

Can you substitute self-rising flour for all purpose flour in a soufflé?

yes, it tastes the same but in other things i would say not.

Can you use all purpose flour if recipe does say?

Yes you can because the recipe says so.

Why is it when you buy pancake mix the ingredients say wheat flour but when you try to make them yourself it says to use plain flour?

The store mix has to list the ingredients and be specific. Wheat flour instead of Oat, Rice, Buck Wheat or some other type. Plain flour means all purpose, not self rising, cake or bread flour. All purpose or plain flour being wheat flour.

How do you tell if its bakers flour?

Bakers flour has a higher concentration of protein then flours like all purpose. So, this creates more gluten which make bakers flour good for things like bagues. Most packages say what type it is, but if not then just look for one with a protein content greater then the average all purpose. Hope this helped.

How do you say with all my love in Tamil?

Ella Anbudan

How do you say purple in Tamil?

Purple in Tamil is ஊதாநி (Ūtāni).

How do you say dad in Tamil?

you say ''appa'' in order to say dad in tamil