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the french do not eat fish and chips and so there is no phrase for it


fish = poisson

and = et

chips = pommes frites

hope this helps

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Q: How do you say fish and chips in french?
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What really are fish and chips?

Fish and chips ... really is fish and chips. The fish is usually cod/haddock in batter or breadcrumbs. Chips are (what Americans call) fries.

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Fish and French Fries. i know that fish is fish but i think the chips part is curly fries. i had it a long time ago but i cant remember what the chips part is.

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George Clemenceau. Fish and chips yah fish and chips yah makes me wanna lick my lips have it for dinner, lunch and tea fish and chips are for me yah....... LIKE A BOSS

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Les chips it's really that simple.

What do England people like eating?

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