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apa kabarmu hari ini

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Q: How do you say how are you feeling today in Indonesian?
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What does feeling elvish mean in this statement 1 Feeling elvish today 2 My elvish fishtail hair?

When you say feeling elvish today it means that you are feeling mischievous. When you say my elvish fishtail hair, means your hair braid is elf looking. These are the meanings for everyday conversation, not for the Hobbit.

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The translation for the word "cat" from English to Indonesian is "Kucing". Kucing is the Indonesian word for cat.

What is the word 'today' when translated from English to Indonesian?

The word 'today' in Indonesian is hari ini.Example sentence. 'Today I'm going to the beach': Hari ini saya akan ke pantai.

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"Apakah alamat anda?" that's how you say "what is your address" in Indonesian.

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Italia is the way you say it.

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