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'J'aime que votre abs et pense que vous avez chaud'

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Q: How do you say like your abs and think you're hot in french?
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Related questions

What Does the abs symbol looks like on an F-150?

Like this: ((ABS))

What do the abs do?

abs make boys look cool and makes them think they are sexy

What do abs feel like?

Men that have abs are consided sexy. Abs feel like touch six smooth rocks together. They are like feeling your ribs.

What muscles does crunches work?

Mainly just the abdominal muscles.

What does joe jonas's abs look like?

It look like 6 pack abs

What would cause abs service light in a Volvo V70?

i have volvo v70 2001 she has abs lights come one for the last six weeks now my car wont start at all can the abs cause some think like that. thanks

Is Shaun T from Hip-Hop Abs gay?

yes he is Do you have to ask? Kind of obvious isn't it. well i think its mostly for females so that why the moves are like girly like From the looks of his hip hop abs video.. definitely gay :)

How can you get abs like the abdominal snowman?

The abdominal snowman is not real so you can't have abs like it .

Why do girls think abs are attractive obviously i am not a girl and i do have abs and i never really thought much of it until i relized abs seem to be somewhat important to girls.?

I don't know whether or not your looking for a girls advise, but here it is, from me. Girls will find abs to be attractive because it shows that the guy is strong {most girls like that kind of thing} and that if you have a boyfriend that has abs, other girls are likely to be jealous. {most girls like that kind of thing to, i don't know why.}

What does it mean when you dream about seeing another guy's abs but you like someone else?

it means you think their hot. It means nothing about if you like them or not, anything is possible in your dreams.

Is the reason why people male or female would not be impressed by a woman having rock hard abs is because they are too bone idol to get one themselves?

Men just don't like hard abs on a woman, we think you look like men. Men rather prefer a flat stomach or a stomach with some fat over abs.

Can women have abs?

Yes, woman can have abs too. It may not be as muscular and cut like men, but they can still have abs too.