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いたずらな子猫 (itazura na koneko)

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Q: How do you say mischievous kitten in Japanese?
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What is the Japanese word for mischievous?

You may say 'itazurazuki,' written: いたずら好き

What is the word 'mischievous' when translated from English to Japanese?

You may say 'itazura na,' written: いたずらな

How would you say mischievous in Japanese?

The Hirigana for mischievious is いたずら, which is pronounced I-ta-zu-ra or itazura

How do you say kitten in different languages?

Here are a few translations for "kitten" in different languages: Spanish: Gatito French: Chaton German: Kätzchen Japanese: 子猫 (Koneko)

How do you say kitten in Japanese?

Koneko (pronounciation: Koh- neh- koh)子猫 (漢字)。こねこ (ひらがな)。koneko. [koe-neh-koe]Kitten.

What does Koneko mean?

Apparently it means 'kitten' in Japanese.

How do you say kitten in Scottish?

In Scottish, you would say "kitten" as "kittlin" or "wee cat."

What does the word mischievous mean in Hawaiian?

The Hawaiian word for mischievous is "mālia." It signifies someone who is playful or engaging in harmless pranks.

How do you say cat or kitten in Dutch?

Cat = kat, or if it is a female one: Poes Kitten = kitten

What is the Japanese word meaning for kitten?

子猫 Koneko

How do you say mischievous children in German?

Durchtriebene Kinder

How do you say kitten in Italian?

"Kitten" in Italian is "gattino."