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我的學校有八百名學生。[wo de xue xiao you ba bai ming xue sheng].

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Q: How do you say my school has 800 students in Chinese?
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How do you say students in Chinese?

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I learn it in school Kyle is li kuen i Chinese.

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There are many students that you can say are good students. Students who are kind, caring, and studious are good students.

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Answer172 students are in the school. AnswerYou can't really say 172 exactly. Maybe some students are indifferent to it. AnswerThere are "at least" 172 students are in the school.

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How do you say school in Chinese?

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How do you pronounce the teacher's name at the dojo?

That will depend on the type of school and the language they use. In a Japanese school, the term is Sensei (sen-say). Chinese schools often use Sifu, (see-foo), but check with your fellow students, your student guide or your instructor.

How do you say are going to school today in Chinese?

ni hao kailan

How do you say high school in Chinese?

高中 its on google translator