

Best Answer
Catholic AnswerThe "Rosary of Liberation" is a new devotion (less than a hundred years old), and I believe based in the Charismatic renewal movement. To the best of my knowledge it is NOT approved by the Church, although it has the approval of the local bishop. Please note, however, that such approval is only for one diocese, anyone who does not belong to that Bishop does not have approval for this devotion, which remains a private devotion of those in the Campinas Diocese. A description and a how-to follow; clear at the bottom of the page are links to give more background on the Rosary of Liberation. AnswerRosary of Liberation

You are recommended to recite the Rosary of Liberation for experiencing deliverance from various bondages like sin, satanic powers, bad habits, financial crisis, family problems etc., It is said in The Bible " She will bear a Son, and you shall call his name JESUS, for He will SAVE His people from their sins".( Matthew 1:21) Jesus is the Saviour. Therefore the name Jesus is not a noun form alone, it is also a verb denoting an action which means when you utter the name JESUS you are proclaiming and praying "God save me and all others from our sins".

Jesus said "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is slave to sin. The slave doesn't continue in the house forever; the Son continues forever. So, If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed". (John 8:34-36)

"As He drew near to Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging; and hearing the multitude going by he inquired what this meant. They told him, "Jesus of Nazareth is passing by". And he cried "Jesus. Son of David, have mercy on me……. and Jesus said to him "Receive you sight; your faith has made you well". And immediately he received his sight and followed him glorifying God; and all the people, when they saw it gave praise to God. (Luke 18: 35-43)

When we recite the Rosary of liberation, claim the promise of Jesus as we see in the Bible.

Jesus is the Saviour (Matthew 1:21)

Jesus is the Healer (Mark 1: 32-34)

He is the Liberator (John 8:36)

Jesus is the God of Mercy (Luke 18:38)

Jesus said "Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you". (Matthew 7:7)

I claim this promise and say………..

1.Recite the Apostle's Creed at the Triangle of the Rosary

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified; died, and was buried. He descended into Hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven and seated at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

2. Recite the following in place of the Hail Mary

Jesus have mercy on me

Jesus heal me

Jesus save me

Jesus free me

3. Recite the following in place of the Our Father

If Jesus makes me free

I will be free indeed

4. Recite the Hail Holy Queen

Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy. Hail, our life, or sweetness, and our hope. To you do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn, then most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us and after this, our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.

If you are praying for a special person replace "me" in the prayer with the name of the "person you are praying for".

After praying the Rosary of Liberation completely give thanks to Jesus for the Blessings that H is pouring over you and for those for whom you are interceding.

Before interceding for anybody you have to pray for yourself.

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A set of prayers using the beads of the Rosary for "liberation" -- freedom from bondages? That's the assertion of a new devotion. We'll let you discern. They call it just that -- the "Rosary of Liberation" -- and claim miraculous healings and other effects have occurred after it is recited.The full prayer is in a book we have imported from South America under that title, Rosary of Liberation. It's by Regis and Maïsa Castro, and they say folks have seen healings from just about any misfortune that life can serve us up -- from accidents, from financial dilemmas, from problems in relationships, to cancer.Too good to be true? Let us stop right here and acknowledge that there is never a guaranteed cure (at least not physically). Prayers, no matter how potent, depend on the Father's Will. Neither this nor any system of devotion can guarantee that one will be healed. Keep that in mind. But we also know that prayer puts us in touch with the truth and the Truth sets us free (and also heals). Should it replace the regular Rosary? Never. But the beads of a Rosary can be used in the same way they are used for devotions such as Divine Mercyand that's what this is: a devotion aimed at healing and other corrections in our lives, beginning with the Apostles' Creed and in the place of the Our Father the words: "If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed." That's from John 8:36, and the freedom of which they speak is freedom from ills in many and sundry forms, as the testimonies attest.In place of the Hail Mary: "Jesus, have mercy on me! Jesus, heal me! Jesus, save me! Jesus, free me!" If you are praying for your family, the words are slightly changed (placing "family" where they had "me"); and on the large beads: "If Jesus makes my family free, my family will be free indeed." There are also variations that invoke St. Joseph. It is a bit more than we can delineate here. Wrote one witness: "A sister in the community suffers from diabetes and each time she had a sore, it takes years to heal. I gave her a photocopy of the prayer of the Rosary of Liberation and gave her the book to read the testimonials. In a week, the sore was healed and even the lumps under her armpits had disappeared." It is not to be confused with a "liberation Rosary" that some have distorted on the internet (using it for political purposes).This is sheer devotion. Like all prayers, it depends on faith. As prayers build, they can cause a crescendo. We all have bondages. "The first time I prayed it, my husband was called to be interviewed in the same company where he had worked," wrote Nancy Dhabi of India. "Being a good worker, he had a good chance of being rehired. But he had to pass in the interview! I prayed to Our Lord Jesus and, even before my prayer was answered, I could feel the miraculous power of Our Lord Jesus working through the Rosary of Liberation. It is something that words cannot describe." It's not just the standard "healing." It's also overcoming vices, such as drugs, adultery, and homosexuality.There is a long prayer of praise. A bit too long for here. But we know that thanksgiving is potent! "Thank you, Jesus! A thousand times glory to God!" it says. "On Saturday," testified a woman from Fortaleza, Brazil, "as soon as I woke up, I sat up in bed desperate, crying, without knowing what else to do. I said, 'Lord, what is missing? What should I do to receive this grace?' And the answer came to my mind. I had been very hurt by a neighbor, did not like her, and could not forgive her. It was as if Jesus had talked to me. I'm certain it was. Because of that I forgave her with all my heart and prayed the Rosary of Liberation from six o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the afternoon, every hour on the hour. The answer came quickly. The next day my daughter was healed immediately. It was a miracle."And so on. They could fill a volume -- and literally do. Three million copies have been sold. "I prayed and asked Jesus, 'Heal me, I can see almost nothing,'" testified another Brazilian woman named Magdalena from Umurama, where she was suffering from glaucoma. "Every day I asked. I went to the doctor and was only able to walk holding on to someone's hand. I got to the doctor and said, 'Doctor, I can see almost nothing.' He examined me and said, "We are at the end of our ropes. We cannot use laser rays anymore. We have to do two operations: one for the cataract and the other for the hemorrhage at the back of the eye.' "I asked, 'If you don't do this, will I lose my sight?' "He said, 'You will lose it, yes.' "I became very sad. I returned home that night and began to pray the Rosary of Liberation. I asked Jesus for more faith. I prayed and cried out to God, 'I want a strong faith!' And I received it. I prayed and asked Jesus to heal my eyes and I received the grace." She no longer even uses glasses. Malignant melanoma? Testimony there too. A cerebral aneurism? One woman had 33 days to live (cancer), but after the Rosary of Liberation allegedly was healed. Whether or not we involve ourselves in a particular devotion, let us know that with faith the Lord can heal anything. It is simple for Him. Finances?"I began to say the Rosary of Liberation without stopping," said Gleci from Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, whose family business went bankrupt. "My son was at his wit's end and said to me, 'Mother, stop kidding yourself, we are at the bottom of the barrel. There is nothing more we can do, I do not see any future.' "When I began to say the Rosary of Liberation, I came back to the Church, went to Confession, and prayed without stopping for a year, and the graces began to happen. Today I am testifying and I would like that everyone might get to know the power of Jesus Christ Who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. "Jesus has already given me a house, much better than the one I had; we paid all the debts. Today, my son has two cars: one for work and the other a pickup. His wife returned to him and they were blessed with one more lovely little boy, strong and healthy. My daughter-in-law, who was a Protestant evangelical, goes today to our Church and has promised Jesus that, if one of her sons wants to be a priest, she will give all her support. "They already have a lot and are going to build a house. They live very well and today are entirely happy." And so -- for your determination, and hopefully benefit -- we are offering it. A set of prayers using the beads of the Rosary for "liberation" -- freedom from bondages? That's the assertion of a new devotion. We'll let you discern.They call it just that -- the "Rosary of Liberation" -- and claim miraculous healings and other effects have occurred after it is recited. The full prayer is in a book we have imported from South America under that title, Rosary of Liberation. It's by Regis and Maïsa Castro, and they say folks have seen healings from just about any misfortune that life can serve us up -- from accidents, from financial dilemmas, from problems in relationships, to cancer. Too good to be true? Let us stop right here and acknowledge that there is never a guaranteed cure (at least not physically). Prayers, no matter how potent, depend on the Father's Will. Neither this nor any system of devotion can guarantee that one will be healed. Keep that in mind. But we also know that prayer puts us in touch with the truth and the Truth sets us free (and also heals). Should it replace the regular Rosary? Never. But the beads of a Rosary can be used in the same way they are used for devotions such as Divine Mercy and that's what this is: a devotion aimed at healing and other corrections in our lives, beginning with the Apostles' Creed and in the place of the Our Father the words:"If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."That's from John 8:36, and the freedom of which they speak is freedom from ills in many and sundry forms, as the testimonies attest. In place of the Hail Mary: "Jesus, have mercy on me! Jesus, heal me! Jesus, save me! Jesus, free me!" If you are praying for your family, the words are slightly changed (placing "family" where they had "me"); and on the large beads: "If Jesus makes my family free, my family will be free indeed." There are also variations that invoke St. Joseph. It is a bit more than we can delineate here. Wrote one witness: "A sister in the community suffers from diabetes and each time she had a sore, it takes years to heal. I gave her a photocopy of the prayer of the Rosary of Liberation and gave her the book to read the testimonials. In a week, the sore was healed and even the lumps under her armpits had disappeared." It is not to be confused with a "liberation Rosary" that some have distorted on the internet (using it for political purposes).This is sheer devotion. Like all prayers, it depends on faith. As prayers build, they can cause a crescendo. We all have bondages. "The first time I prayed it, my husband was called to be interviewed in the same company where he had worked," wrote Nancy Dhabi of India. "Being a good worker, he had a good chance of being rehired. But he had to pass in the interview! I prayed to Our Lord Jesus and, even before my prayer was answered, I could feel the miraculous power of Our Lord Jesus working through the Rosary of Liberation. It is something that words cannot describe." It's not just the standard "healing." It's also overcoming vices, such as drugs, adultery, and homosexuality.There is a long prayer of praise. A bit too long for here. But we know that thanksgiving is potent! "Thank you, Jesus! A thousand times glory to God!" it says. "On Saturday," testified a woman from Fortaleza, Brazil, "as soon as I woke up, I sat up in bed desperate, crying, without knowing what else to do. I said, 'Lord, what is missing? What should I do to receive this grace?' And the answer came to my mind. I had been very hurt by a neighbor, did not like her, and could not forgive her. It was as if Jesus had talked to me. I'm certain it was. Because of that I forgave her with all my heart and prayed the Rosary of Liberation from six o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the afternoon, every hour on the hour. The answer came quickly. The next day my daughter was healed immediately. It was a miracle."And so on. They could fill a volume -- and literally do. Three million copies have been sold. "I prayed and asked Jesus, 'Heal me, I can see almost nothing,'" testified another Brazilian woman named Magdalena from Umurama, where she was suffering from glaucoma. "Every day I asked. I went to the doctor and was only able to walk holding on to someone's hand. I got to the doctor and said, 'Doctor, I can see almost nothing.' He examined me and said, "We are at the end of our ropes. We cannot use laser rays anymore. We have to do two operations: one for the cataract and the other for the hemorrhage at the back of the eye.' "I asked, 'If you don't do this, will I lose my sight?' "He said, 'You will lose it, yes.' "I became very sad. I returned home that night and began to pray the Rosary of Liberation. I asked Jesus for more faith. I prayed and cried out to God, 'I want a strong faith!' And I received it. I prayed and asked Jesus to heal my eyes and I received the grace." She no longer even uses glasses. Malignant melanoma? Testimony there too. A cerebral aneurism? One woman had 33 days to live (cancer), but after the Rosary of Liberation allegedly was healed. Whether or not we involve ourselves in a particular devotion, let us know that with faith the Lord can heal anything. It is simple for Him. Finances?"I began to say the Rosary of Liberation without stopping," said Gleci from Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, whose family business went bankrupt. "My son was at his wit's end and said to me, 'Mother, stop kidding yourself, we are at the bottom of the barrel. There is nothing more we can do, I do not see any future.' "When I began to say the Rosary of Liberation, I came back to the Church, went to Confession, and prayed without stopping for a year, and the graces began to happen. Today I am testifying and I would like that everyone might get to know the power of Jesus Christ Who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. "Jesus has already given me a house, much better than the one I had; we paid all the debts. Today, my son has two cars: one for work and the other a pickup. His wife returned to him and they were blessed with one more lovely little boy, strong and healthy. My daughter-in-law, who was a Protestant evangelical, goes today to our Church and has promised Jesus that, if one of her sons wants to be a priest, she will give all her support. "They already have a lot and are going to build a house. They live very well and today are entirely happy." And so -- for your determination, and hopefully benefit -- we are offering it. A set of prayers using the beads of the Rosary for "liberation" -- freedom from bondages? That's the assertion of a new devotion. We'll let you discern.They call it just that -- the "Rosary of Liberation" -- and claim miraculous healings and other effects have occurred after it is recited. The full prayer is in a book we have imported from South America under that title, Rosary of Liberation. It's by Regis and Maïsa Castro, and they say folks have seen healings from just about any misfortune that life can serve us up -- from accidents, from financial dilemmas, from problems in relationships, to cancer. Too good to be true? Let us stop right here and acknowledge that there is never a guaranteed cure (at least not physically). Prayers, no matter how potent, depend on the Father's Will. Neither this nor any system of devotion can guarantee that one will be healed. Keep that in mind. But we also know that prayer puts us in touch with the truth and the Truth sets us free (and also heals). Should it replace the regular Rosary? Never. But the beads of a Rosary can be used in the same way they are used for devotions such as Divine Mercy and that's what this is: a devotion aimed at healing and other corrections in our lives, beginning with the Apostles' Creed and in the place of the Our Father the words:"If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed."That's from John 8:36, and the freedom of which they speak is freedom from ills in many and sundry forms, as the testimonies attest. In place of the Hail Mary: "Jesus, have mercy on me! Jesus, heal me! Jesus, save me! Jesus, free me!" If you are praying for your family, the words are slightly changed (placing "family" where they had "me"); and on the large beads: "If Jesus makes my family free, my family will be free indeed." There are also variations that invoke St. Joseph. It is a bit more than we can delineate here. Wrote one witness: "A sister in the community suffers from diabetes and each time she had a sore, it takes years to heal. I gave her a photocopy of the prayer of the Rosary of Liberation and gave her the book to read the testimonials. In a week, the sore was healed and even the lumps under her armpits had disappeared." It is not to be confused with a "liberation Rosary" that some have distorted on the internet (using it for political purposes).This is sheer devotion. Like all prayers, it depends on faith. As prayers build, they can cause a crescendo. We all have bondages. "The first time I prayed it, my husband was called to be interviewed in the same company where he had worked," wrote Nancy Dhabi of India. "Being a good worker, he had a good chance of being rehired. But he had to pass in the interview! I prayed to Our Lord Jesus and, even before my prayer was answered, I could feel the miraculous power of Our Lord Jesus working through the Rosary of Liberation. It is something that words cannot describe." It's not just the standard "healing." It's also overcoming vices, such as drugs, adultery, and homosexuality.There is a long prayer of praise. A bit too long for here. But we know that thanksgiving is potent! "Thank you, Jesus! A thousand times glory to God!" it says. "On Saturday," testified a woman from Fortaleza, Brazil, "as soon as I woke up, I sat up in bed desperate, crying, without knowing what else to do. I said, 'Lord, what is missing? What should I do to receive this grace?' And the answer came to my mind. I had been very hurt by a neighbor, did not like her, and could not forgive her. It was as if Jesus had talked to me. I'm certain it was. Because of that I forgave her with all my heart and prayed the Rosary of Liberation from six o'clock in the morning until six o'clock in the afternoon, every hour on the hour. The answer came quickly. The next day my daughter was healed immediately. It was a miracle."And so on. They could fill a volume -- and literally do. Three million copies have been sold. "I prayed and asked Jesus, 'Heal me, I can see almost nothing,'" testified another Brazilian woman named Magdalena from Umurama, where she was suffering from glaucoma. "Every day I asked. I went to the doctor and was only able to walk holding on to someone's hand. I got to the doctor and said, 'Doctor, I can see almost nothing.' He examined me and said, "We are at the end of our ropes. We cannot use laser rays anymore. We have to do two operations: one for the cataract and the other for the hemorrhage at the back of the eye.' "I asked, 'If you don't do this, will I lose my sight?' "He said, 'You will lose it, yes.' "I became very sad. I returned home that night and began to pray the Rosary of Liberation. I asked Jesus for more faith. I prayed and cried out to God, 'I want a strong faith!' And I received it. I prayed and asked Jesus to heal my eyes and I received the grace." She no longer even uses glasses. Malignant melanoma? Testimony there too. A cerebral aneurism? One woman had 33 days to live (cancer), but after the Rosary of Liberation allegedly was healed. Whether or not we involve ourselves in a particular devotion, let us know that with faith the Lord can heal anything. It is simple for Him. Finances?"I began to say the Rosary of Liberation without stopping," said Gleci from Foz do Iguacu, Brazil, whose family business went bankrupt. "My son was at his wit's end and said to me, 'Mother, stop kidding yourself, we are at the bottom of the barrel. There is nothing more we can do, I do not see any future.' "When I began to say the Rosary of Liberation, I came back to the Church, went to Confession, and prayed without stopping for a year, and the graces began to happen. Today I am testifying and I would like that everyone might get to know the power of Jesus Christ Who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. "Jesus has already given me a house, much better than the one I had; we paid all the debts. Today, my son has two cars: one for work and the other a pickup. His wife returned to him and they were blessed with one more lovely little boy, strong and healthy. My daughter-in-law, who was a Protestant evangelical, goes today to our Church and has promised Jesus that, if one of her sons wants to be a priest, she will give all her support. "They already have a lot and are going to build a house. They live very well and today are entirely happy." And so -- for your determination, and hopefully benefit -- we are offering it.

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Is the rosary of liberation catholic?

while it is a traditionally catholic prayer it emerged before there were denominations, sometime in the 1200's. because of the universal nature of the petition for liberation I would say that it is not Catholic only.

Who did the Blessed Virgin Mother first give the rosary to?

The rosary is a manmade tribute to the Blessed Mother. Mary was a practicing Jew who didn't say the rosary.

When can we say the rosary?

You can say it any time you want. Some people say it every day. There are also occasions where all or some of it is said. A decade of the rosary might be prayed at the graveside on the day of a funeral for example. People say the rosary when they go on pilgrimage to places associated with Mary, like Lourdes or Fatima.

Can saying the rosary everyday save you from hell?

Yes it can it even makes you a better person. But when you do say the rosary you still have to be good on the outside.

How can we convince others and ourselves to recite rosary?

I have several suggestions: 1. pray the Rosary every day 2. join rosary societies 3. carry your rosary wherever you go 4. carry rosary brochures and put them in likely places 5. buy plastic rosaries and how to say the rosary brochures and keep them in your Church vestible (see links below)

How do you say liberation in Russian?

освобождение osvobozhdenie

Why do people say it is a sin to wear a rosary?

The rosary intended to be used during prayer and meditation and not as jewlery. Someone who wears a rosary to have it handy to use in prayer or so it wouldn't get lost is fine. When I was a child, nuns would wear a rosary around their neck - but it was there for them to use in prayer/meditation and not as a fashion statement. Some people say it's a sin to wear a rosary because misusing a prayer tool as a fashioto make a fashipn statement is disrespectful.

When did Jesus say pray with the rosary?

Jesus never said pray the rosary. The Church has come up with the prayer of the rosary to the virgin Mary.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Rosary recalls important events in the life of Our Blessed Lord, He didn't say the Rosary, He lived it. Our Blessed Lord sent His Mother to earth to give us the form of the Rosary that we have today, she appeared to St. Dominic, who founded the Dominican Order, and gave him the Rosary in order to convert the heretics that he was preaching to. As the rosary is primarily mental prayer on the Mysteries (the events in the life of Our Blessed Lord, and His Mother) it is a wonderful way to learn basic prayer. You should learn it well, and stick with it your whole life.

When the Apostles prayed did they use the Rosary?

.Catholic AnswerThe Rosary is a set of meditations on the life and events of Our Blessed Lord and His Mother. The apostles lived through most of these events, the rosary is our way of bringing them back to mind. So you might say that were living during the events that made up the rosary.

How many people in the world say the rosary?

There is no exact number of people worldwide who say the rosary, but it is a common practice among Catholics and other Christian denominations. The rosary is a popular form of prayer that is estimated to be followed by millions of people around the world.

What are rosary bead sections called?

Each section of a rosary is called a decade as it contains ten beads for the ten Hail Mary's that you say while meditating on the mystery.

Do all Catholics say the rosary?

The rosary is a much loved and venerated prayer among Catholics. But not all Catholics use this prayer. It is not considered "essential" to the Catholic faith. It is highly recommended, but not necessary. The Mass, for example, is absolutely necessary. The rosary is optional.