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Q: How do you say the color orange in Gaelic?
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What do people say about the color orange?

orange is know for giving energy or being an energizing color i also know that it is a warm color.

How do you say orange in hawaiian?

Alani is orange ( both the color and fruit )

What color do you get when you mix orange and yellow?

yellow-orange, because you always say the primary color first when mixing them with secondary colors.

What color you get when you mix orange and yellow?

yellow-orange, because you always say the primary color first when mixing them with secondary colors.

What do color do you get when you mix yellow and orange?

yellow-orange, because you always say the primary color first when mixing them with secondary colors.

How do you say orange color in Chinese?


Are oranges called oranges because they are orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?

Yes. see, the orange like the fruit came before the color orange. the color orange came from the orange (fruit), how it was colored. so if the orange were to say have been purple then instead of purple the color purple would've been orange. i know, it's a hard concept to understand. but, that is the answer.

Why are there two ways to say orange in spanish?

There is two ways to say orange in Spanish, the meanings are different though. Naranja is Spanish for the kind of orange you eat and anaranjado is Spanish for the color orange.

How do you say orange is my favorite color in spanish?

mi color favorito es el naranja

How do you say orange in Spanish?

The fuit is "naranja", the color "anaranjado".

Is the orange orange because the color orange is orange or is the color orange orange because the orange is orange?

Orange is the color Orange because of capital letters but with capital it is the fruit orange

Are oranges called oranges because they are orange in color or is the color orange called orange because oranges are orange in color?

The colour orange hasn't always had its own name, as it used to just be a shade of red. I would say that the colour orange was named after the fruit, as it has been around longer than the colour itself has been individual.