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ckirihki is the Pawnee word for coyote or wolf.

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The Seneca word for a wolf is tha:yö:nih

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Q: How do you say wolf in the pawnee language?
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The Pawnee people traditionally spoke the Pawnee language, which is a Caddoan language. Today, only a few fluent speakers remain, and efforts are being made to revitalize and preserve the language.

What was dog in Pawnee indian language?

The Pawnee word for a dog is asakis.

How do you say hello in wolf language?


What is the word for welcome in pawnee language?

The Pawnee greeting is nawah [nah-wah]."How are you" is tiriikirahku.

How do you say The Lone Wolf in Choctaw?

Nashoba is how you say wolf in Choctaw Indian language.

How do you say goodbye in Pawnee?

There is no way to say bye in Pawnee because they never said bye!

How do you say the word home in Pawnee?

Go to wikipedia and type in "home in pawnee". or go to google dictionary.

How do you say hello and goodbye in pawnee?

Pawnee is a highly complex language divided into the Skidi (Skiri) and South Band dialects.If you are speaking to a male friend, you say hello with nawa irari; if you are speaking to a group you say nawa aw ki taw tho; a morning greeting is kee ka oos. A general greeting is simply nawa.Goodbye is not a term used in most native American languages and Pawnee has no direct equivalent.

What does cobi mean in pawnee language?

Cobi is a word in the Pawnee language which is spoken by the Pawnee Nation an indigenous people of the Great Plains in North America. The word "cobi" means "rain". It is also used to describe a type of dance or ritual performed by the Pawnee people in order to bring rain. The word "cobi" is derived from the Pawnee word "kobi" which means to make rain. The word is also used to invoke the spirit of rain in rituals and ceremonies. It is believed that the Pawnee people would perform the cobi dance in order to bring rain for their crops and for other blessings.

What languages are spoken by the Pawnee Indians?

The Pawnee are a Plains Indian tribe who speak English.Their traditional language, Pawnee, is spoken by less than 10 elderly people as of 2018, however, there is a plan for its preservation.

How do you say wolf warrior in Romanian?

The Romanian language equivalent of wolf warrior is lup luptător or lup care se luptă.

How do you say grandma and grandpa in Pawnee Indian language?

Pawnee kinship terms (and those of all Caddoan tribes) are far more complex and specific than in modern English. The general terms for my grandmother and grandfather is atika and atipat respectively.However, to say "your grandmother, "your grandfather" is aKA and aPAT.