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ban co mui giong nhu phan.

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Q: How do you say you smell like crap in Vietnam?
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Where did piece of crap come from?

No one likes a piece of crap hanging from their butt, and if they dont like something they say this is a piece of crap. Which means they do not like that particular object

Do coprolites smell?

it smells slightly strange but its not a bad smell, it doesn't smell like poo at all. It has a slight tinge of smell to it but its not bothering unless you don't like the smell of, say , limestone.

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you smell like a goat = Du riechst wie eine Ziege

How do you say you smell in bosnian?

To say you just smell in general, you'd say, "ti mirišeš." If you want to say , "you smell bad." you'd say, "ti mirišeš loše" Then, if you want to say, "you smell good." you'd say. "ti mirišeš dobro." The "š" is has an accent mark over it. And it's pronounced like, "Sh"

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To say "you smell like butt" in Pig Latin, you would say "ou-yay mell-say ike-lay utt-bay."

What does methamphetamine smell like?

Some people say meth has no smell. When smoked (burned), however, it smells very chemical-ish to me. Maybe like paint or some other strong chemical. You cannot smell it on a user however, like you can, say, with marijuana or cigarettes.

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hueles a mono

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usted olor como caca

Can you say they are Vietnam?

no, they were in Vietnam

Can you a sex on small worlds?

No you can't but sometimes people say stuff in smallworlds like "-fingers-" and crap like that. u no wat i mean they just say what there doing.

What did the boy say to the girl perfume?

Hey you smell nice I don't make a lot of scents but if I did they'd smell like you.

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The strawberry smells, nothing! If i had to say it smelt like something i would say it smells like a strawberry. the inside though. Very sweet, tart smell. By the way. Why do you want to know this?