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petite amie

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Q: How do you say your petite girlfriend in French?
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How do you say I live my girlfriend in French?

The way to say "I live my girlfriend" is Je Vis Ma Petite Amie and "I love my girlfriend" J'aime Ma Petite aime

How do you say 'this is my girlfriend' in french?

"C'est ma petite copine."

How does one say girlfriend in French?

Petite amie. It is feminine.

How do you say my brothers' girlfriend in french?

la petite amie de mon frère

How do you spell girlfriend in french?

girlfriend -> petite amie

How do you say you love your girlfriend in French?

j'aime ma petite amie, j'aime ma copine

How do you say What is up girlfriend in french?

I believe that would be Ca va, petite amie? My french teach told us that...

French word for girlfriend?

petite amie.

How do you say 'be my girlfriend' in french?

To say "be my girlfriend" in French, you can say "sois ma copine."

How do you say little friend in French?

In French, "little friend" is ami petit (male) or amie petite (female).In addition, petit ami means boyfriend and petite amie is girlfriend.

How do you say do you have a girlfriend in french?

est-ce que tu as une petite amie / une copine

Is she your girlfriend in French?

est-ce qu'elle est ta petite amie / est-elle ta petite amie would be the translations for 'is she your girlfriend in French.