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Engineers use a topographic map for every project they are going to build. Topographic maps show altitudes of ground surfaces and also show specific formations, such as mountains. By using a topographic map an engineer can decide the best location for a bridge or building.

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12y ago

In the field a geologist will use a topographic map to locate his/her position and then mark on the map the interfaces of the rock types that are found. From this a Geological map can be made and by using the intersection of the geology with the contours on the topographic map the Geologist can infer the geological structure of the strata beneath the ground.

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11y ago

Well, "we scientists" use topographic maps to find out the elevation and etcetera of a place.

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Q: How do you scientists use topographic maps?
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How can you use topographic maps in the future?

no one knows but I thank we could

How do topographic maps represents the earth's surface?

Topographic maps represent the Earth's surface because they show elevation in addition to distance and direction.

What types of map shows elevations and contours?

A topographic map would show elevations and contours.

Which type of map best shows the three dimensions of Earths surface?

Topographic Maps

How are watersheds and topographic maps related?

they both tell you about something

Related questions

How do you use topograph map?

Well, "we scientists" use topographic maps to find out the elevation and etcetera of a place.

What maps are similar to topographic maps?

Topographic maps

How do geologist use topographical maps?

geologists use . topographic maps to see surface features

How do business and government use topographic maps?

Businesses use topographic maps for site selection, resource planning, and infrastructure development. Governments use topographic maps for urban planning, disaster management, and environmental conservation. Both sectors rely on these maps to make informed decisions based on accurate geographical data.

How do businesses governments use topographic maps?

Businesses use topographic maps (maps showing the surface features of an area)to help decide where to build new stores, housing, or factories. also the government uses a topographic map to find out where to build new schools and other public buildings.

How can you use topographic maps in the future?

no one knows but I thank we could

Which of the maps show the three dimensions of earths surface?

Topographic map

What are some GOOD facts about topographic maps?

topographic maps have contour lines that show a specific place...

How would topographic maps of urban areas differ from topographic maps of suburban and rural areas?

i dont learn

What four things does a topographic maps show?

Topographic maps show elevation, relief, terrain features, and topographic details such as contour lines, streams, lakes, and vegetation.

Why do geologists use topographic maps as base maps?

Because a topograpic map is a map that shows surface features, or topography of an area.

Who makes topographic maps?
