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If your fat you dont, and if your hot you know wat to do

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Q: How do you screw a guy?
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wait for the other guy to screw up then be her shoulder to cry on.

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that guy off one guy one srewdriver might use them

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It means he is glad you are over him. or that he likes you but doesnt want to screw up wat you have

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Screw them both and have them play tic-tac-toe to see who will the father

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The guy who named the lynching is the guy who named the lynching cause im only answering this to troll people so SCREW YOU

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if you sit by him get close to him and tell him that is the only way i can think of if he doesent like you then screw him

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i dont know what they are but here is what i require: go find a guy and screw them

Does Louis Tomlinson have tattoos?

yes he have, one screw on his ankle and a guy on a skateboard on his arm.

What does it mean when a guy says here's a screw cause you're not worth the F?

It means he doesn't love you and you need to just leave!

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Salt shakers were invented in 1858 by John Mason, the guy who invented the screw-top Mason jar

Your breasts are beautiful but your boyfriend hates them?

screw him! if that's all that he thinks about forget it and find a cuter guy who can appreciate your beautiful boobs!

What do you do when you like a guy and the guy likes your friend and the friend likes him back and one guy another guy likes you but you dont like him?

Just let it be. You don't want to lose a good friend over some guy. Boys come and go, but friends are forever. DON'T screw it up. good luck. and make sure that other guy knows you don't like him.